beginner Mini Program, the checbox value of Baidu has not been reliable all afternoon. Come to the forum and ask the great gods WeChat Mini Programs form form submission checkBox cannot get a value <label class="checkbox"> ...
problem description We report that the title occasionally has this kind of garbled code (these are four garbled codes): 2019, using the re to the end of the line. (these are four pieces of garbled code): 2019, using the re to the end of the line,...
problem description example: get the return value in time after sending the login request, and then handle the next event according to the return value, similar to the http request, but the requirement is to do this with websocket. in the introducti...
problem recurrence steps: a, b pages url prefix is pages dirlist main the id in the page of redirecting from home page is 1 wx.navigateTo ({ url: pages dirlist main?id=1 }) 2. Jump from page a to page b, id is 2 wx.navigateTo ({ url: ...
returns the corresponding value by comparing the names of provinces, cities and regions. It doesn t seem feasible to use recursion or filter. Is there a short and elegant way to write it getChinaArea(province,city,area){ let result = [...
ie prints the web page, the first page has content, from the second page starts to show blank, excuse me bosses, is there any solution? ...
problem description if you want to select level n in the (response level) option, the following (elimination time) will correspond to the cyclic data . related codes < li class= "aui-list-item " id= "ty-list-li " > <div...
1, there is a need to drag the icon, put it in one place, and generate a shortcut. I used the drag attribute in CSS to drag 2. The problem is: drag with the background color before dragging. I don t want this background color. here s what happens w...
now I want to add a button to the page, and when the button is clicked, the phone desktop will generate a shortcut to the page. Create a desktop shortcut for a web page just like a mobile browser. ...
in the h5 page need to embed other pages (different sources), refer to the in HTML5 what can replace iFrame this article, know that it can be achieved through frame, ajax, object, etc., but have not done similar before, would like to ask if there is a ...
let arra = { aaa : , bbb : , ccc : } let arrb = { aaa : 111 , bbb : 222 , ccc : 333 , ddd : 444 , eee : 555 } listAssign(arra,arrb) after executing listAssign, arra becomes ar...
such as: what if the source jumps to if the source jumps to vip ? for example, when the spider engine comes, there must be a source, so this source is not operated when it belongs to the spide...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the following questions about the code that needs to be submitted for software copyright application: 1. Is all the js,css,html and other codes directly mixed together? 2. Whether to submit the key code or all the code, inc...
SF javascriptx input : PS: I just found a code on the Internet, but I tried to reply in the input box: Gao Yang can never exist as a whole. If you delete it, you still want to delete it word by word . <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head&g...
problem description touchmovetransform:scale23 related codes function zoom(tInfo){ var ratio = touchmove getHypotenuseLength( tInfo.zoomCurrentTouches[0].clientX, tInfo.zoomCurrentTouches[0].clientY, tInfo.z...
refer to many linked blogs and solutions. The screenshot on PC is normal, but the screenshot on mobile cannot be fully displayed. Screenshot of mobile terminal: PC: the complete code is as follows: <!doctype html> <html lang="en&qu...
Video site does not support https. Confirm only iframe reference is supported. Confirm my website is https and cannot be loaded. Is there a way to solve it? ...
as shown in the figure: if there is such data, it is looped out and rendered into the table, and the "serial number " is required, but it is not clear how to make the number of data rows in the children array 2 . : ...
recently, I have done a project to read IC card information on the browser side. Now I have a customer s plug and play IC card reader. Shenzhen Minghua products have no clue. I don t know how to call the web end. Which god can give some advice ...