the HTML code is as follows: <view v-show="!showLoading" v-for="(item, index) in cards" :key="index" class="body-swiper" @touchstart="touchstart" @touchend="touchend($e...
at present, after logging in and reading WeChat Mini Programs s documents, you can get the user s openid and session_key on the server interface without authorization with wx.login. Then the first login of user information calls up authorization with t...
problem description get the current height through the scroll event of bindscroll, and then compare it with the values in the array to set the current category on the left the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried ...
question background We refine the common parts to make reusable business components. Generally, we display the corresponding components by passing data, and we can define several different types and states. Later, there is no problem with reuse accor...
according to Wechat open platform documents, mobile applications can pull Mini Program. For more information, please see the link below . Mobile app pulls up Mini Program function < H2 > my needs < H2 > the partner is APP, and we are Mini Program...
how does WeChat Mini Programs chat Mini Program trigger that when there is a new message at the bottom of the page, the page is automatically pushed up when users flip up to view historical messages at present, both the self-sent message and the other...
what should I do logically if I want to set the top (charge) while publishing information (free, charging)? How can the data table be designed properly? Has not been clear about the train of thought, hope that experienced gods to give guidance. which ...
question add, or can you tell me how to change the following code to jump to the corresponding cat.wxml list, whether the corresponding category label bright red is passing multiple parameters, parameter 1 jump cat.wxml parameter 2 this classificatio...
is the target array of v-for as follows: let arr = [{id: "0 ", name: "a "}, {id: "2 ", name: "c "}, {id: "1 ", name: "b "} traverse the above array in html using the following words: VFF for = "item in arr ": key= " " the correct r...
is there a vue-based multi-terminal development solution similar to Taro for example, WeChat Mini Programs s Baidu Mini Program is troublesome in one day ...
Mini Program introduces async-validator to do form verification, npm is installed and built, showing error: thirdScriptError sdk uncaught third Error module "miniprogram_npm async-validator babel-runtime helpers extends" is not defined ...
getMenuInfo () { wx.request({ url: https: wxapi-web indexPageDiaryCategory , data: {}, method: get , header: { content-type : application json }, success: function (res) { if ( == 0) { co...
problem description such as the title. Like SUNING s Mini Program, some product details will appear in the lower left corner of the picture after sharing. Look at it carefully, not a screenshot. How did he do it? I also want to achieve this functio...
beginner Mini Program, the checbox value of Baidu has not been reliable all afternoon. Come to the forum and ask the great gods WeChat Mini Programs form form submission checkBox cannot get a value <label class="checkbox"> ...
the skey mentioned here is a key calculated by the server to get session_key and openid corresponding to session_key. (if you haven t understood what I m talking about skey by now, please read this article. https: post 5ac9b7... for exa...
Mobile UI library: mint-ui of Mini Program UI component Library: Mogujie s minui. now I want to use mobile mint-ui directly on Mini Program. Why not? Isn t it all just a UI component library? ...
as shown in the figure, binding in conditional rendering is a global variable in app.js, which means login status, but conditional rendering does not work after successful login, which makes me confused . ...
the code is shown below: : question: 1, the position of print 1 can get the value; 2, the position of print 2 exists memberInfo; 3, and the position of print 3 is undefined. What is the reason? What ...
how to refresh the Mini Program nesting H5 page written by vue in the payment page to prevent WeChat Pay from happening again? ...
-sharp 1 import time s =time.time() print(time.time()) print(time.time()) print(time.time()) print(time.time()) print(time.time()) print(format(time.time()-s, f )) -sharp 2 def get_time(): import time print(time.time()) s = time.time() get_time...
problem description vscode mac version just started plug-in invalid wait 10 minutes for each plug-in to come into effect there are more than 30 plug-ins installed wait about 10 minutes every time you reopen all plug-ins. Is it because there are too ...
I returned empty when I was in git branch-r. In other words, the system prompts me that I don t have any branches remotely. but I have two branches on github. then I can t delete my remote branch. what s going on? How to solve the problem? ...
for example: abcd12345bnfdvvabcd12345hhnvgabcd1234567abc look up the string next to the string that appears more than twice. The longest string meets the condition first. The result of the character search is that the number of abcd12345 occurrences is ...
download it when it is opened normally on the address bar I want to open it with window.location.href, but it doesn t work what is the solution ...