in the API reference document of Huawei Cloud blockchain Service, Huawei Cloud has the following description for the message header requesting its REST API service: x-bcs-signature-sign: to ensure that only authorized callers are allowed to make legit...
current API design PHPrest.phphttp,rest_mq.phpMQ PHPhttpMQ question APIcomposer() ...
items need to add a [hot] sort. make quality content better exposed. there are several scoring criteria. [like] > [download] > [comment] > [Click]. but the sorting algorithm is very difficult for me. for example: contribution score = likes x30 + ...
question: I saw an answer before because the selenium framework was detected in the previous paragraph, and then I used PyQt5 to make a browser to implement the crawler. I now have the same problem, but the problem is that I don t know how to use Js s...
problem description for some reason, the mailing list of subscriptions sent to me by codeshelper and QQ Mail always doesn t display properly in win10 s email app? However, the list of subscription mailboxes sent to me by QQ Mail from open source Chi...
< H2 > question: why can t the first syntax filter out the pre tag? < H2 > -- Sorry, the code forgot to paste the following code t = t = t.replace( <(?!img|p(?!re)| p(?!re)|u(?!l)| u|em| em|b(?!utton|ody)| b(?!utton|ody)|div| d...