The 1.scrollView () method does not solve the problem that 2.js cannot get the height of the soft keyboard, and ios cannot trigger the resize event ...
Why is the running environment of Wechat Mini Game JavaScriptCore on iOS and V8 on Android ? Why use two JS engines ? anyway, Wechat Mini Game running environment requires the ability to interpret JS code , while JavaScriptCore or V8 ...
jswebview function setupWebViewJavascriptBridge(callback) { if (window.WebViewJavascriptBridge) { return callback(WebViewJavascriptBridge); } if (window.WVJBCallbacks) { return window.WVJBCallbacks.pu...
when I use position:fixed in the head, I operate the page drop-down in the web page. The head is fixed and does not follow the page drop-down. Android will not, but iOS will. Have you ever encountered this is the time of drop-down ...
according to the runtime hook technology shared by the online gods, I want to do it myself < H2 > principle: intercept the ViewDidiLoad method of the controller, and realize the method exchange. The effect is obvious and effective < H2 >. as shown...
ios s built-in browser IP requests to log in to the mobile version of the web page, and sessionId inconsistencies occur after successful login ...
the Wechat official account page of iPhone will have a rubber band effect when pulled to the bottom. Is there any way to remove this effect? If so, how to get rid of it? ...
1. In hybird development, you need to embed H5 pages. There are two cases: 1.1A page is a html, such as a store page (shop.html) and a personal center page (person.html). 1.2A html page corresponds to multiple interfaces, such as a single-page applic...
problem 1: now the company is developing an activity that uses the H 5 interface to do it. Click on the pop-up window on the native app and enter my H5 interface. pass a user ID, ask me how my current H5 interface should receive the parameters passed ...
as shown in the figure, my initial idea is to implement this page with a collectionView and reuse the controls as much as possible. but the problem is that the last group is the waterfall flow layout, while the other groups are regular layouts. I foun...
when I wanted to share Mini Program after integrating ios Wechat sdk, I found that I kept prompting Use of undeclared identifier WXMiniProgramObject Android to integrate properly and I searched the Internet for a long time but did not find any relat...
when developing iOS applications, how do I use the Instruments tool to monitor how FPS, locates to the code that causes the problem through the exception of FPS? ...
I want to package an ios sdk, instruction with gomobile bind instruction. There is always a unknown GOARCH: " " error in the execution of the sdk, instruction. The error is as follows: AndroidmacGOARCH, ...
I have a regular: var tamp = ^ (1-9 {0jue 7} | 0) (. [d] {1Jue 2})? $ ; there is an oninput input box event in input that verifies that the characters entered are correct, normal on android and normal on chrome, but on ios, enter "0. " When it does no...
The page does the function of the page before the jump after the completion of the event, using the method of adding returnUrl on Url, but when testing on the mobile side, a pop-up window will appear to show the path of the page to be redirected before r...
apple watch developers ask for help! Watch uses wcsession to send request, ios app is not activated and not in the background, how to communicate with app. Watchos1 can be substituted for handlewatchkitextensionrequest . Watchos2 substitute didreceivemes...
there is a div element in the table cell: https: xiaoxiya. what is the problem? Is that bug? ...
use mobile games developed by unity and record game videos using everyplay. How can this video be saved in IOS albums? ...
ios embedded h5 page input box will not lose focus if you click on the blank space. The soft keyboard will not fold. what should I do? try to bind the click event to document. If the input box loses focus when you click, it is still invalid. ...
I used a UITableView, in the project. This UITableView has three cell. There is a need to refresh the first cell, which will change the height of the cell. While changing the height of the first cell, the second and third cell will move, and this moveme...
there is always this header when debugging tools with official accounts. Xiaobai would like to ask, can this be customized? ...
I only want to use redux-devtools-extension and redux-logger in the development environment, so I created two store , and then made a judgment, but after packaging, I found that this judgment did not work, redux-devtools-extension can always be l...
1. Related code: public static void sendSSLMessage (String hostName, int port, String username, String password, String subject, String massage, String. To) throws EmailException { Email email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setCharset("UTF-8&q...
id user_id time type parent_id 1 1 1 w -1 2 1 2 w -1 3 1 3 w -1 4 1 4 w -1 5 1 5 w -1 6 1 6 w...
cannot be rendered using echarts in vue <template> <div id="app" class="login_area"> <div id="myChart" class="echarts">< div> < div> < template> <script> expor...