CAShapeLayer plus UIBezierPath draws an oblique line. You can t click on it. Ask the boss for advice ...
problem description the login page of my app is a mode out of a VC app, log out, log in again, re-switch window.rootViewController but found that the viewWillAppear method in the first child VC of tab has been walked twice I found out the reason m...
this is the link I posted on the bar Xcode console cin input Chinese does anyone know how to solve this problem? ...
always says so. Call me SET UP TAX. But I have already chosen it in my TAX FORMS. Excuse me, what should I do? ...
problem description remove the app that is not yet on the shelves in appstoreconnect, and then delete it in Apple developer Center. prompt as shown in the figure below. Is there any delay in the data Synchronize? I have been waiting for several hours...
if you add the addChildViewController sub-viewController, there is still no response < hr > - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; Do any additional setup after loading the view. UIButton *btn = [[UIButton alloc]initWithFra...
I would like to ask the gods that my project only crashed between iOS 9.0 and 9.3, but the development environment will not. I searched a lot on the Internet and found that all the people were saying that it was caused by the wide color gamut of the pic...
problem description there is an electronic compass on the hardware. After being disturbed, I need to calibrate it so that it points north correctly. I used the ellipsoid fitting method, but the success rate is not high, so I can t judge whether the c...
NSTextAttachment * attachment = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] init]; attachment.image = warningIma; attachment.bounds = CGRectMake (0,0, warningIma.size.width, warningIma.size.height); if (width < warningIma.size.width) { attachment.bounds = CGRectMake (...
there are two ionic items on hand. After updating Xcode10, one of them is free, and the other one reports an error, as shown in figure . then there is no other hint. I also checked the information on the Internet and felt that it was foggy. Later, I ...
problem description because our company s App wants to be an overseas market, it starts with internationalizing the language, setting the English or Chinese mode according to the user s choice. However, overseas and domestic requirements are differe...
I am an individual developer, iOS project launched-Technical support URL, does not have its own website, how to fill in? ...
problem description as the title the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what result do you expect? What is the error messag...
Hello, how do I implement https: mbostock . with a shader, which is also controlled by 4 contacts. this problem is aimed at the Objective-C language environment on the iOS platform. I want to assign it directly through the CATransform3D...
A monitor program written in Golang, that is, running on the terminal to continuously output logs. now you need to develop an application on Mac, the function is very simple, a button, a textarea, click button is to start the compiled executable, and t...
problem description follow the regular react-native official steps to execute the command. At last, the run prompts you as shown in the figure, but he does not produce the simulator . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you ...
how to download all iOS Provisioning Profiles? under Apple account sometimes new test equipment is added, and then you have to download it from Apple s website, and the baler needs to be updated. Can you use the command on the terminal to update all ...
for example: I have just built a forHello project, and when I click to run the simulator, the previous projects are also displayed (as shown in the figure: BackGround,ChineseZodiac,layoutContrains, etc.), and then the simulator enters my forHello projec...
WWDC2018 Session225 mentions inheritance UICollectionViewLayout customizes a MosaicLayout class, and MosaicLayout class in ...
App uses WKWebView to load the link. The loaded web page has a button that can be used to upload video to Qiniu. There has been no response after choosing to upload the video, but I opened this link with QQ and then uploaded the video. I found that it ca...
the project has been working well online, but recently there has been a very strange phenomenon these two files initially display 200 ok and then become failed. I confirmed that these two files exist in the project on the server, and I don t know ...
my code is mapped through volumes. I changed the host time today and found that the changed code has no effect. I think it is not timely to update the mapping relationship, resulting in running the old code, changing the time correctly, and working norma...
when you use iconv to convert English aaa to GB2312, the output is still aaa, to find a solution, or, English and numbers to gb2312, or the same as before ...
is ThreadPoolExecutor parallel or concurrent? how to achieve parallelism? ...
sql statements are all INSERT statements saved in the sql.sql file, not omitted "; " * * < H2 > the following code can be executed < H2 > * * with open( sql sql.sql , "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for each_line in f.rea...