I need to convert a color jpg png map to a monochrome bitmap (not wbmp, in the GD library, but bmp), similar to the windows drawing tool: : : now we need to use php code to implement it. Do you have any ideas? Or ready-made wheels? Ask for advice...
when using the imagick plug-in to process PSD files, the speed is particularly slow and the memory footprint is relatively high. Slightly larger PSD files directly fill up memory. for example, a 1-gigabyte PSD directly takes up 3-4 gigabytes of memory. ...
official link: http: php.net manual zh imag. when using Imagick::mergeImageLayers to merge PSD layers, there is confusion in filling in the first parameter int $layer_method . although most of them can achieve the effect of merging layers, I sti...
for example, this is a PHP package, to compress the picture, very simple two sentences, do not care about the format and form of the picture (url,base64, file), go has a more popular picture processing package, recommend it, thank you! found a pack...
after index.html logs in on login.html, the user name information is sent from the background. then the page jumps to another.html,. How can the user name information be shared on other pages? ...
how perfect is the layout of css:position parents? The code has been changed many times as follows. The picture of css is miserable. The layout of position is not very clear. Navigation has been added between div1 and list div . ask God to modify the...
the server is windows server2008 R2, the inbound rule has been assigned a port number, and the code has been decompiled. The tomcat, used then returns ` < html > with a postman request. <head> <title>Apache Tomcat 6.0.53 - Error report...
csv`import numpy as npimport pandas as pdf=open( G:XueYegrades.csv , rb )df=pd.read_csv(f,low_memory=False,usecols=[0,1,3,4,5,7,8,15,16])group=df.groupby([ xh , xm ],sort=False)[ xf ]print(group.sum())` as a result, he counted the student n...
In the chat room made by gatewayworker, multiple machines are distributed. For example, the two machines are monitored by machine a, and the registered address of machine b points to machine A. all programs are started and executed normally, but the inf...