: ERROR TypeError: Failed to execute readAsDataURL on FileReader : parameter 1 is not of type Blob . this is written in ionic xx.html <input type="file" (change)="selectImage(this.files)" accept="image jpeg,ima...
when I use the cordova-plugin-file plug-in, when I debug the Android real machine, the white screen of the phone cannot display the page, prompting Uncaught module cordova-plugin-file.DirectoryEntry already defined, to reinstall the plug-in according to...
is there something wrong with my config.xml setting? Compared with the git version, I still can t copy the previous version of config.xml . ...
for special reasons, this project still uses ionic1 for programming, how to adapt to various sizes of mobile phone screens, using em or rem? if it is a more advanced version of ionic, does it have its own way to adapt? ...
after ionic3 installs the barcodeScanner plug-in, package Execution failed for task : app:transformDexWithDexForRelease . : npm text version reports error: :app:transformDexWithDexForRelease FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exc...
cordova plugin add https: github.com pwlin cord. package androidapk report an error FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task : app:processDebugResources . Failed to execute aapt Try: Run with...
the company requires ionic to package APK after decompression, the js code under assets (itself has been confused) is required not to be seen, is there any further way to deal with it? ...
0. What exactly do these two orders mean? npm cache clear what cache is cleared? ionic cordova run android I found that the platforms android cordova folder is gone. How can this be restored? 1. I was supposed to solve an innocuous ...
the information I have found that the truth machine will not have cross-domain problems, but it has appeared on my side. What is the reason? ...
Apple phone, if you use ion-infinite-scroll to load more craziness on the page, you will get stuttered or even the page will jam directly! html Code ts: Anti-shake is also used, but ios browsers (uc, safari) will still get stuck or even get stuck if...
<input type="search" placeholder="" ng-model="searchName1" ng-keyup="myKeyup($event)"> $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl( bindyezhu.html , { scope: $scope }).then(function (modal) { $scope.mo...
h5 evokes ionic android ios APP how should the AndroidManifest.xml file be configured Thank you for answers ...
how to evoke ionicAPP ...
A rookie ionic, please give me your advice. Ionic makes a mobile phone app page to get the list of orders, with four tags that show different status of orders. Each time you enter a tag, you empty the list of orders and retrieve the corresponding orders...
can the cordova plug-in be introduced directly with the script tag instead of cordova plugin add com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner? ...
use ionic2+angularjs4 for mixed development and use < ion-list > tags for layout. The small circle part and the list part are both < ion-list > cloth games, but during the real machine test, it is found that the small circle in the current view is no...
the project is relatively large, and I want to load some more important pages in advance. What should I do? ...
execute the ionic instruction and skip it directly. Cordova-v installed at the same time can execute ...
an error occurred when I used the command line ionic start mm to create a project named mm, and the project could not be created. error message is I would like to ask you, how should this error be solved? Thank you ~ ...
ionic3angular5ionic3alertControllerionic3es6alertconfirm ionic1+angularjs1+JavaScriptalertconfirmfunctionoptionionic1$popupoptions ...
< H1 > question < H1 > three hosts were placed at the beginning of deployment. Now expand the cluster (add 2). You can see the button to add a new cluster on the interface, but you cannot see the button to add a new host to the existing cluster. It is...
have you added sudo or will you report an error is there any solution? ...
forhttp: ...
install nodejs, download the module less, can also compile the less file in the specified location with lessc. According to the online method of using less2css plug-ins for sublime text3, after installing less2css plug-ins, less plug-ins, and npm global...
problem description this problem occurs in IE. All I have to do is click Save related codes function onOk(){ form.validate(); if (form.isValid() == false) return; var data = form.getData(); var authSetting = mini.enc...