import { Component } from @angular core ; import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from ionic-angular ; import { WebView } from @ionic-native ionic-webview ngx ; ** * Generated class for the ShopPage page. * * See https: ionicframew...
can ionic hide a page to the background and return the page without destroying it, just let him stay in the background and can call and modify the page at any time? at present, I want to do a file upload and download transfer list, but when I return to ...
recently, I have been working on the page on the mobile phone, using the sliding instruction of ionic to realize the sliding paging, and the page variables are bound by angular. There is no problem with Android, the normal loading shows that the pull-up...
ionic3 is currently using tab templates now map the tab to three pages of pageA pageB pageC. app one entry is pageA. Currently, users who have not logged in or do not have perfect information are not allowed to browse to pageB pageC. the current p...
there is an Ionic project that can be run before, but the following error occurs after rerunning npm install. Typescript Error Duplicate identifier localforage . I took a look. There are two places where Localforage is defined: one is in the nod...
problem description Open the ionic project with xcode. It takes more than 10 seconds to start after packaging the app. the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried you can use ionic build android-prod packaging to s...
newly installed a blank ionic3 project, I packaged apk and everything is fine. however, in order to test how to call native api, I found a functional module QR Scanner about QR code scanning in the documentation to test. follow the steps in the docume...
how to get the IMEI code of a mobile phone in ionic3? I see that the official document has an @ ionic-native uid component that can be obtained, but there is a problem. You can t get it when you enter app for the first time after installing app, but y...
the options for connecting to the customer service system this time are Seven Fish and Huanxin, but there are several problems encountered in the process of access. I would like to ask whether 1.ionic can only access the customer service dialogue syste...
ionic3+angular5 develops httpclient for app,. http post requests java interface with Authorization and returns 500error, but it is normal to test with postman, and some get interfaces or post without Authorization verification can be returned norma...
1. Knowing the start time and the total number of seconds, we have calculated the countdown of hours, minutes and seconds. TS; 2. The output is 24 br 24 14 50, and what I want to achieve is a countdown to it; countdown <p class="groupTe...
use cordova to package apk files. I don t know why. environments are all installed normally ...
problem description recently took over an ionic project, but I don t know what ionic it is. My ionic sserve run prompts me that npm install @ ionic v1-toolkit can run successfully for the first time, but if you turn off the service and run it again,...
at present, the project is the Wechat official account page. Customers must ask url to open the specified page. Can angular route be used in ionic? DeepLinker is used but there is a problem when he opens it, he will not display the bottom tab bar; ...
ionic is upgraded and updated from 3 to ionic4, and packaged into android apk that can be packaged, but the packaged apk can be installed and run on a white screen in oppo and other mobile phones, and then there will be no more. Huawei can run out of the...
what exactly does this step do when Ionic adds android support? There is no response at any time. Is there any solution? ...
There is a confirmation on the page. After clicking, a pop-up window pops up. There is no button pop-up window defines a countdown, which works normally. but in the pop-up window, this number does not change code: export class InteglePage { pub...
requirements: Android and Ios share a set of styles. as set in the figure, the requirement cannot be achieved (the style on Xiaomi phone is the same as the expected style (ios), and the style of vivo Huawei pad is not the desired style). how to s...
there are two ionic items on hand. After updating Xcode10, one of them is free, and the other one reports an error, as shown in figure . then there is no other hint. I also checked the information on the Internet and felt that it was foggy. Later, I ...
ionic s html tag sets font-size:62.5%;, that is, 1remoulder 10px; but the font size set with rem is still fixed and will not change with the width of the phone screen. Is the font size of ionic set dead? ...
now I want to build a test project, which requires that I can run both vue, and html. I still don t have a clue after thinking about it for a long time. Can you help me to see if this can be realized? What is the realization idea? Thank you ...
< H2 > question < H2 > Click the black button, and the pop-up box shows Click outside the pop-up box to hide the pop-up box < H2 > Picture < H2 > < H2 > code, you can run < H2 > directly. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> &...
Piglet Page s beautified art QR code, such as the ninth workshop, is very beautiful and creative. https: codeuti. what I know so far is that there are many QR code generation libraries, such as php, phpqrcode,js and QRCode.js. howev...
<template> <div class= menubody > <ul class= menulist > <li class= menuitem v-for= (item, index) of list > <router-link :to="{ path: item.route, query: { id:} }&...
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