I installed "nmred kafka-php ": "0.2.* " this package, the following is the official code <?php require vendor autoload.php ; date_default_timezone_set( PRC ); $config = Kafka ProducerConfig::getInstance(); $config->setMetadataRefre...
it is not the server that sends the time directly to the client, but the Date, when requesting an arbitrary file from the server to do the countdown. The problem is to get [timestamp] or [YY-MM-DD]. 1. When the Date is obtained in the figure, it is Thu....
how to encapsulate an ajax, callback with Es6 syntax, use promise callback ...
I can get the cursor position now, but this is the correct position without line wrapping. If there is a line break, the location obtained is incorrect! Always get the location of the first line, not the actual location of the cursor. how to get the p...
var book = { year:2004, edition:1 } Object.defineProperty(book,"year",{ get:function(){ return this.year }, set:function(newVal){ if(newVal>2004){ this.year = newVal ; this.edition ...
What s the difference between use PDO; and use PDO; ? I think use PDO; is a PDO class introduced in the root space, so why can use PDO; be introduced successfully? ...