public static function create($title, $content, $label_ids){ self::$db->action(function($db){ $db->insert( articles , [ title => $title, content => $content, created_at => self...
in the php project, you simply connect to mysql. through the medoo library Due to the need for batch update configuration operations, insert into. Was used On duplicate key update statement, which cannot pass the syntax check of pdo. The php code is as ...
how many statements are queried in medoo for example: query classification category table: cateid-name-parentid 1-clothes-0 2-shoes-0 3-short sleeves-1 query output classification + subclassification (only secondary, according to parentid outpu...
vscode will get a red dot error when writing flow code is there any solution ...
I want to implement a small navigation function with an array of js. I turned it into this for him. $arr = [ 1001 | computer , 1002 | personal computer , 99 | Asustek computer, 100 | Asustek Notebook]; what I m going to do now is my ...
as shown in the figure, after clicking to continue for consultation, you will return to the previous page (mostly with scrollbars). The desired effect is to return to the bottom of the previous page (as shown in figure 2). The current problem is: ...
in the development environment, it can be accessed normally through info boss, but cannot be accessed through info boss after packaging. An error was reported. main.5fc0fc94.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token if you can access it normall...
vert.x and rxjava are both responsive programming frameworks, while vert.x is more like a set of tools. So do you still need to use rxjava when using vert.x? is there any suitable application scenario for rxjava in addition to being used on mobile dev...