Update resolved main problems can bootstrap modal box pass parameters only pass strings of numeric type? background description of the problem and my attempt question background: I am writing a web page with jsp, in which there is a table w...
problem description typeList is the data coming from the background, and every result I traverse is type. I want to extract id and ran_name to modal pop-up box display, and then submit to controller. However, the id, will not be temporarily saved and ...
wrote a tab to switch between two div,. Each div has one modal. first tab modal tab tabconsolemodal modal Code <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="-sharpexampleModal...
Click the service registration mode box to automatically pop up Click cancel or Save the mode box to close the manually close the page, click on the service registration mode box again will not automatically pop up what is the reason? ...
the following is the demo code: The Modal call is as follows: <Modal title="" visible={this.state.visible} onOk={this.handleOk} onCancel={this.handleCancel} width={80...
I use echarts, to click on the bar chart generated by echarts to trigger the click event for navigate jump. When entering a new route, a lifecycle function cannot be triggered, so that the data cannot be rendered to the page. ...
error installing Times $ yarn global add weex-toolkit yarn global v1.2.1 [1 4] Resolving packages... warning weex-toolkit > weex-builder > babel-preset-es2015@6.24.1: ? Thanks f or using Babel: we recommend using babel-preset-env now: please rea...
problem description recently attempted to update project scaffolding from vue-cli2 webpack2 to vue cli 3 webpack4 vue-cli-service serve indexlogin, window.location.href = login loginindex.htmlindex.js url localhost:3007 login.htmlurllocalhos...
I am making a module of the rotation graph. I use js to create a style tag and add the css style of each structure of the rotation, and then the style of the picture takes effect, but the style of the controller dot is invalid, and adding Important is u...
the project done with Ant Design Pro has been configured for code segmentation in accordance with the document. It is no problem to package code segmentation locally, but when it comes to the test environment, there is no paid solution for code segmentat...