export default class extends Controller{ @dec propName; does not work @dec propName() {} works } function dec() { ... } if I use the first method, it will not be executed in dec at all. I need to use the second writing method. I wou...
according to the armed spaceship written in the book, it is written that it can move left and right, but when it comes to shooting (loading), it is copied according to the code in the book, and the running time does not show that there is a problem with...
php reads the query result set with sqlsrv_fetch (). There are only three records in the table, but four times of fetch execution does not return false, but the fifth time returns false,. Why not false the fourth time (the test found that the fourth tim...
the most helpless thing is to write animation z ...
set $flag 0; location ~ my.php.* { if ( $http_user_agent !~* "user agent") { set $flag "${flag}1"; } if ( $remote_addr != ip ){ set $flag "${flag}2"; } if ($flag = "012...
is the rollback of the transaction a failure of sql execution or a success of sql execution, but will be rolled back if the number of rows affected by additions, deletions and changes is 0? ...