1. The number of bank card digits entered by the user on the page is relatively long, so the server is loaded with long type. when saved in the oracle database, the viewing data becomes a scientific notation tag. (it is said on the Internet that the le...
I have a blank table in the database. Please give me some advice. ...
: PageHelper.startPage(pageNum,pageSize); PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(productList); pageInfo.setList(productListVoList); : PageInfo,setList? :https: github.com pagehelper Mybatis-PageHelper blob master wikis zh HowTo...
title may not be very clear, I want to achieve the effect is: in the operation of the same table, the basic addition, deletion and query using mybatis-generator automatically generated xml file, and then write a xml file to put their own handwritten sql...
this is the xml file: the following error: -sharp-sharp-sharp Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, syntax error: TODO : COMMA values : insert into BIA_HGU_INFO (HGU_ID, AREA_CODE, BIND_CODE, SN, HG...
the SpringBoot project can run using the Java entry normal class, but when starting by running the Maven command or performing other operations, such as using the Maven command to package the project, it will automatically delete the methods in the cust...
the following error should be related to the injection of the data source! But why can it be solved by introducing spring-jdbc as a jar package? spring-jdbcjar:(): : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: o...
the paging query for writing a single table through pagehelper was written happily. Now to write a winning bid (such as 2 tables) if you write your own sql statement, you cannot use Criteria things. If you query the main table first and query another sc...
class A { in Java private String name; private Move move; setter getter } class Move { private String kick; setter getter } thymeleaf does not seem to work like this < td th:text= "${A.move.kick} " > < td > mybatis configuration < select ...
The project is a web service project for wsdl run by app, which was originally developed on eclipse. Without using the maven, framework, SpringMVC+mybatis, now wants to migrate the project to IDEA. follow the online tutorials to set up the configuration...
The project is developed based on Spring Boot and Mybatis, and the integrated environment is IDEA. when I was a beginner, I didn t understand version management, so I pasted the classes in a runnable project, such as service,controller, and pasted them...
spring boot project, want to integrate tk.mybatis framework. Quick configuration of spring used: pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>tk.mybatis< groupId> <artifactId>mapper-spring-boot-starter< artifactId> <v...
mybatis the specific configuration in application.yml is as follows: mybatis: config-location: classpath:mybatis mybatis-config.xml mapper-locations: classpath*:mybatis mapper mysql ** **.xml type-aliases-package: com.dragonflyxd.lr.web.model...
using idea to add the plug-in mybatis-generator-maven-plugin, to the maven project failed. I followed the online tutorials: add to pom.xml could you tell me how to solve this? ...
the overall use of the ssm framework. this is the entity class: I write that the json data returned to the front end is still of the type {name:.}. Is there any way to change the name displayed in json to another name, such as product_name? how sho...
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot< groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web< artifactId> < dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org...
SpringBoot integrates MyBatis, startup project, error shows that Mapper cannot be found *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Field userListMapper in com.example.demo.service.UserService requ...
mybatis-3.4.4.jar org.apache.ibatis.builder.xml.XMLMapperBuilder line:132 private void buildStatementFromContext(List<XNode> list, String requiredDatabaseId) { for (XNode context : list) { final XMLStatementBuilder statementParse...
recently I want to try a relatively simple development method. only writes sql statements in the xml file, and both incoming and outgoing parameters are map. Do something else in controller and service. then write a test code. this is the param, of...
< H2 > error < H2 > intellij web UserController UserMapper User jdbc pom.xml sql dao.UserMapper controller.UserController Demo10Application ...
as detailed in the title: current requirements: for the company s business, its resources are authorized, such as files and pictures uploaded to the system. now you need to download the file through a hyperlink on the page, but to download it t...
what I use now @keyup.enter ...
A single-page application written in react framework. Because page b needs to call Wechat API, page A jumps to page b using location.href, but page A does not refresh request data when ios WeChat page b uses physical fallback. How can page A refresh requ...
function isNumber(num){ if( !isNaN(num.value) && (num.value != "")){ return true; } else { return false; } is...
problem description Hello, seniors! recently I was playing testcafe, and running a test on my phone in the way of qr code, but it got stuck at a strange point. is that when I set setNativeDialongHandler , the whole thing will get stuck, without sp...