as an aside, cropper screenshots support obtaining data in base64 and blob formats. What s the difference between these two? if I get file from the background in the following ways, which format is suitable HttpServletRequest request List<Multipart...
in the method modified by @ schedule annotation, using automatic injection will report a null pointer my solution is to get the spring container statically and then use the getBean () method to get it, which is successful. I would like to ask why automa...
problem description in the SpringBoot2.0.1 version, the template uses Freemarker logs using log4j2 , but the project throws a warning when it visits the template page for the first time: the pom file has excluded log4j-related jar packages and lo...
problem description the front end of the project uses angular and the background springboot. The problem is that no matter how the backend modifies the file format, the file format downloaded at the front end is txt I tested it with excle here, so I ...
as mentioned, the authorization code is as follows @Override protected AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals) {""); String token = (String) principals.getPrimaryPrincipal(); String openI...
problem description The password field is encrypted with @ ColumnTransformer annotation in Springboot + Spring-data-jpa, but the data returned after decryption is null related codes entity class: package top.inger.JpaDemo.domain; import com.f...
org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name methodValidationPostProcessor defined in class path resource [org springframework boot autoconfigure validation ValidationAutoConfiguration.class]: Unsatis...
backend sprngboot, foreground vue.js need to be redirected to the foreground system default page. Take two parameters: token userId new ModelAndView("redirect: event?param1="+token+"¶m2="+userId); when the frontend com...
$ajax calls the backend local API and writes localhost:8080 directly can be called successfully the browser console has the data of my console call indicating that it is successful. then I set up the agent in config index.js to report an error. The...
redis saves the session of shiro rewrites EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO.doUpdate, and each update changes the corresponding survival time of session key (TTL) requirements: for example, set the expiration time of session to 1 hour then I hope that durin...
I am using springboot2.1.2 to develop a project. I have a problem saving objects with repository. Here are my two entity classes: @Entity @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor public class User { @Id private String email; private String userN...
as shown below the following packages show errors that cannot be imported. I don t understand why ...
for example, an interface interface A, when called by other classes, @Resource private IMessageHandler imessageHandler; use both Resource and Autowired to indicate that the bean cannot be found ...
Child pom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http: POM 4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http: 2001 XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="...
Will be used by others? And how do I verify login on each page? Is it okay to rely on cookie alone? Or do you have to work with the server to further verify that session is also available? how do you write real development? ...
I tried to war the springboot project under the webapps of tomcat, but how to access the url of controller? And what the file directory of springboot s war package looks like, and I don t know if I packed it right. ...
as mentioned in the question, I used Elasticsearch + mybatis. There was a problem in the integration. First, the figure @MapperElasticsearchRepositorymybatisElasticsearchdaoElasticsearchRepository articleDao beanActionspring.main.allow-bean-definit...
as the title solved from the background, mostly ** * * @Configuration public class WebConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport{ @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { registry.addMapping(" **...
< H1 > problem description < H1 > now you need to do token verification. The client submits the client id and the client key. After passing the verification, the server obtains the configuration expiration time from the configuration file, then genera...
public JsonResult add(@RequestBody(required = false) User user){ if(user == null){ RequestBody ; ; } } ...
how does WeChat Mini Programs long press the picture to save? ...
made an h5 page, embedded in Mini Program, and made a button at the bottom of the H5 page to share to Wechat, how to finally evoke Mini Program s sharing function ...
background : page A scrolls to position 800 and jumps to page B, where page B is also at position 800 (if page B is not high enough, it is at the bottom). A page: keepalive is true B page: keepalive is false case 1 : page B remains unchanged-- ret...
the first time you use "ASP.NET MVC4 WebAPI " to develop a project, you only need to use WebAPI because the front end invokes the rendering directly by HTML+Ajax. < H2 > doubt 1 < H2 > what elegant posture do the great gods use to avoid the growth ...
config index.js package after gzip compression is enabled: : ...