I want to use the example class of mybatis to generate the following sql statement: SELECT * FROM User where nick_name like "%1502%" or real_name like "%1502%" or mobile like "%1502%" this is how I used it: UserExample u...
there is a problem that I can t solve when I just learned ssm,. No, no, no. The directory structure is as follows error message: Caught exception while allowing TestExecutionListener [org.springframework.test.context.support.DependencyInjectionTes...
first, there is a field of Date type in the database. If you want to query all the records of 2018-04-08, but ignore the following time, minutes and seconds, how do you write the query statement and the mybatis mapping file? ...
when using MyBatis, there is a problem with an incomprehensible SELECT statement. <select id="getHotelList" resultType="com.genius.travelline.product.entity.Hotel"> SELECT a.id AS "id", a.title AS "t...
when using Mybatise, I use the following code to operate on the database. No error is reported, and it executes successfully, but the database does not find data @Test public void testInsertUser(){ SqlSession sqlSession = sessionFactory.o...
Multi-table management, because the sum operation is used, so even if there is no data mybatis query will become one. The result is that null, if the default value is set on the sum, such as 0, it will return a piece of data that only the field sum is 0....
use mybatis to configure custom secondary cache. Using xml annotation can use < cache type= "com.test.dao.MybatisRedisCache " > to successfully use custom cache, but using @ CacheNamespace (implementation = MybatisRedisCache.class) on the dao i...
the .xml file of mybatis in spring-boot can only be placed under resources mappper, like this: put together with the interface, not uniformly placed under the resources mapper, separate, easy to manage. thanks! ...
< H2 > question < H2 > the frontend uses the same Form, newly added data edited and added in a page of vue+elementUI, to successfully reach the backend. Because the data of the wrong type is returned from the backend API when modified, the time error ...
when using ConEmu to split the screen, such as four screens under a tab page (as shown below), at this time, the default is that the active window depends on the position of the mouse. I want to disable this feature because this default feature is n...
Mini Program page loads the world map. According to the selected country, the selected area is always marked on the map. How to load the world map in Mini Program? have you done any related projects ?...
Why does the problem of redirection occur when using ajax to request other websites $.ajax({ url:"https: www.baidu.com", type: GET , headers:{ Access-Control-Allow-Origin : * ...
after js-sdk shares moments, Apple 6sp phones cannot trigger successful or failed callback functions after sharing. However, cancellation can trigger callback functions. When debug is turned on, the prompt is successful, but no callback functions are tri...