the entire Internet is made up of countless subnets, and when you enter an address from a browser and go back to access resources on another computer, the first step is DNS parsing to get the ip address of another computer. at this point, the first th...
looking at the https process, there is a question: why does https need to use a secret key exchange such as ecdh? keep it simple: the client randomly generates the hash value of the AES secret key AESKey, request data sign encrypt the AESKey+sign...
is analog signal transmission or digital signal transmission used in frequency division multiplexing in the following figure? why is so little bandwidth used? I read in a book that the digital signal transmits voice at 8 bits and takes 8000 samples per ...
when the company s internal network accesses our own background, the connection often times out. However, there is no problem with visiting other websites. As long as we do not use our company s local area network, we can normally access the background...
give me a general description of my problem. switch router IP: wifi router IP: (the router uses the switch cable) wifi user assignment IP: Mobile phone users can access my mac cannot access 192.168.1....
I am a rookie. I also read a lot of http materials on the Internet, but I only saw what he wrote, but I didn t understand what he meant again. The problem is this: currently the cross-domain problem is solved by setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *...
1) restore bitstream to frame; 2) decide which path to use to transfer data to the destination; 3) error control; 4) congestion control; 5) flow control; 6) Transmission medium ...
how is the ack determined when the sender sends multiple message segments at the same time under the tcp protocol, and how does the seq determine when the receiver confirms the connection ...
how to use to control the output of the front power supply on the back of the LAN network port of the fixed-weft psw series 30-36 power supply. Thank you for more details. ...
function connect() { var socket = new SockJS( socket ); stompClient = Stomp.over(socket); stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) { setConnected(true); }); console.log("...
win10ftpftp: 192.169.5..., ftp...
determine whether there is a specific subcomponent in the react component recently, I am writing a component, but I need to know whether this component contains specific subcomponents. One of the ways we have found is to use the way of the...
-sharpcoding=utf-8 from selenium import webdriver import time req_url = "http: " browser = webdriver.Chrome() browser.get(req_url) browser.delete_all_cookies() cookie=[] -sharp browser.get_cookies()cookie for t in cookie: bro...
topic description at present, there is a product that the user places an order to reduce inventory, the order is cancelled to increase inventory, and the backend modifies the inventory quantity. There are three different ways to do this. How about S...
problem description use vue+typescript s vue-cli3.0 to build a project and want to share with Wechat. After introducing weixin-js-sdk, import wx from "weixin-js-sdk " in the page. As a result, underfined, is displayed when wx is printed, but in the...
Front-end rookie, when writing code, I often need to see the document. API, encountered the word hook again when I went to see the Webpack document today. I found that this noun is often mentioned, in addition, hook function , injection hook , and so...