how to select sub-item background color in less modify ng-alain left menu bar in this built-in component < sidebar-nav > < sidebar-nav > ...
for example, there is no problem with using mock data, and an exception will occur if you replace it with an api address. after testing, the following problems are found: post the st component first: < st-sharpst [data] = "queryData " [columns] = "...
ng-alain template. After logging in successfully using oidc-client to connect to ID4, always displays the following error when calling redirect uri: Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode () to enable the production mode. Web...
as mentioned above, in the ng-alain template, use the delon class library to create a curd component. In the curd component, click the edit button to pass the value to the edit sub-component. Excuse me, how should this parameter pass through? main comp...
since the last question could not fully describe my question, I hope the color card can help me answer it again. < H2 > whether the following question is a bug? < H2 > Note: (since the first answer to the previous question was the existence of this ...
problem found while creating a new CRUD page. The I variable is used in the edit.component.html template, so why change it to the I variable specifically? why not use the default record? As shown below: paramsNametable.js 145-149 paramsName thi...
problem description now there are three buttons. When I click one, the disabled of the other two will become unavailable. The buttons are the following <button nz-button nzType="primary" [disabled]="!validateForm.valid " (click...
problem description @ delon auth {provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: SimpleInterceptor, multi: true}, enter the routing page, you will be authenticated by token. If you jump to the login page without token, the requirement now is a separate page ...
follow the steps to start using the document and cannot continue if you encounter an error use ng add ng-alain to add modules, and proceed to further study if you encounter errors. Complete output information: Angular CLI: 6.2.1 Node: 8.11.2 OS: wi...
1. Has the ThemesService service been removed from the new version? 2. How to realize the skin-changing function in the new version? The old version was implemented with a build (header-theme, relies on ThemesService). ...
Review element found that the second td was not rendered ask the bosses to answer ...
how to achieve the above effect? this effect occurs when scrolling from the home page to the div location of ul1-left-features. The div is divided into two columns, and the left side is divided into three blocks. when scrolling to item1, the default...
specific errors are as follows: vue.esm.js?65d7:434 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "value". Expected Array, got String. found in ---> <MtChecklist> <MtPopup> <Finish> at E: Caqm a...
I want to click on a specified cell in el-table to execute a method. I use the @ cell-click method to get the four parameters row, column, cell, event, but how can I tell if the cell being clicked is the one I specified? Now that I click on any cell, I w...
read the consensus to use dpos, but I don t quite understand, what is the meaning of choosing the Packer code? The code is as follows, students who know or understand, please guide. Source code location: https: meitu go-e... func (ec *Ep...