in actual projects, customers often clap their heads and decide to add and delete some status fields. take a chestnut, for example, to publish an article, the initial status status field has only two, one is the "unpublished " status, and the other is ...
the code is as follows export class SHost_Room{ constructor(rooms){ } } let rooms = [...] let shRooms = new SHost_Room(rooms); I m not good at object-oriented, and I feel like I don t have a train of thought. ...
question: in some current projects, such as the first column of the first row of the table is fixed, the form radio and all selections are implemented by themselves using js (not considering using the framework for the time being). So how to effectively ...
Many people on use calculator examples to illustrate these two principles, but it seems that the difference is that OCP has an abstract class, while SRP does not inherit abstraction compared with SRP, OCP, the examples of 1.OCP are all independent of...
encountered a very strange phenomenon, single-page application. The information shared by Wechat is set up on the page. The configuration information is as follows: wx.ready(() => { wx.onMenuShareTimeline({ title: this.package.tit...
<template> <div id="item"> <transition-group name="trans" v-on:enter="enter" v-on:leave="leave" v-on:after-leave="afterLeave"> <div class="item-list" key="0&quo...
when you create a marker, you bind a click event to each marker, such as qq.maps.event.addListener( marker, click , function(evt) { infoWin.o...
Jump to the second arrow when executing to the first arrow. The imported jdbc is fine because you can output the console information of the connection servletClassNotFoundException? ...
version laravel5.4 I specified two channels in the via method, namely, the database and the mail. Everything is normal when the database is inserted, and there is no problem with sending the mail. But why did this format output in the form of source c...