Hello, great gods. I am now in the development of iOS image processing APP encountered a problem which involves Poisson fusion, suffering from the result processing speed is too slow. how to solve the problem quickly in order to render the results in...
question 1: is the reference count for the object or the memory where the data is stored? if it points to an object. But when decorated with Strong. I increased the reference count of T2 = t0 _ 0 _ t0 _ 0 _ T _ 1 ~ T _ 3 by 1 to 3, indicating that it i...
how do I configure reading for ios pod private library plist files? ...
NSDateComponents *components = [NSCalendar.currentCalendar components:NSUIntegerMax fromDate:self]; what is the reasonableness of components:NSUIntegerMax s writing like this? ...
how iOS uses UINavigationController to jump to the page to destroy the current page. is that I jump from page a to page b, and I want to destroy page a. and how do I pass values to the page. Thank you, bosses. ...
can you explain the meaning of this code ...
if you add the addChildViewController sub-viewController, there is still no response < hr > - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; Do any additional setup after loading the view. UIButton *btn = [[UIButton alloc]initWithFra...
1. At present, it is confirmed that it is a signature problem 2. My framework project uses the same account certificate as the business project. I re-signed the framework, but it didn t work. dlopen ( var mobile Containers Data Application 4B3E60ED-D...
problem description The project was originally written by OC, but now the layout framework you want to use before joining Swift, is whether you need to import Swift s layout framework SnapKit? after Masonry, uses Swift. Or uniformly use Masonry? ...
class MainViewController: UIViewController { public var seletedIndex: Int = 0 lazy var tableView: UITableView = { let table = UITableView() table.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "Cell") ret...
I would like to ask the gods that my project only crashed between iOS 9.0 and 9.3, but the development environment will not. I searched a lot on the Internet and found that all the people were saying that it was caused by the wide color gamut of the pic...
problem description there is an electronic compass on the hardware. After being disturbed, I need to calibrate it so that it points north correctly. I used the ellipsoid fitting method, but the success rate is not high, so I can t judge whether the c...
there is an h5 page, put on iphoneX, webview slide is, the audio in h5 will be paused? Is there any way to solve it? ...
rechargeBtn.rx.tap.flatMapLatest({ [weak self] _ in switch (self!.payTableDataSrouce[self!.seletedIndex].payMethod) { case .wx: print("wx") case .ali: } re...
I trained a model with TensorFlow, converted the .mlmodel model through tfcoreml, and observed the input format in Xcode, as shown in the following figure. Excuse me, how can I convert the input image into the following input format? ...
NSTextAttachment * attachment = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] init]; attachment.image = warningIma; attachment.bounds = CGRectMake (0,0, warningIma.size.width, warningIma.size.height); if (width < warningIma.size.width) { attachment.bounds = CGRectMake (...
how to write a common part of OpenGL in CPP for cross-platform use by Android and iOS? what is questionable is how to connect OpenGL,iOS through EGL in Android and use EAGL to connect OpenGL, according to different platforms using CPP to encapsulat...
problem description because our company s App wants to be an overseas market, it starts with internationalizing the language, setting the English or Chinese mode according to the user s choice. However, overseas and domestic requirements are differe...
I am an individual developer, iOS project launched-Technical support URL, does not have its own website, how to fill in? ...
iOS 10.3.3, there is a problem with the layout of tableView, as shown in the following figure, tableView has a sudden offset. the code is as follows: - (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews{ self.tableView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = N...
problem description 1. Click on the collection to cache the current product locally, and the backend has put the product data in the header. I will just call it directly. I clicked on different items four times, but I didn t need to append them to ...
question: when I save a picture, I get the width and height of the canvas, but this is not what I want, because the part beyond the canvas will be cut off when it is saved as a picture, how to get the true height and width of the object? ...
var arr = Array(3).fill({}) [{}, {}, {}]; arr[0].hi = "hi"; [{ hi: "hi" }, { hi: "hi" }, { hi: "hi" }] it can be understood that the first line of the function fill (), populating array elements fills an arr...
@ Getter Note Writing method reports an error: Getter is not defined ...
I am doing a navigation home page, do search, want to use Baidu search intelligent prompt function, encountered a strange problem. The code is as follows: <body> <input type="text" id="q"> <ul id="show&qu...