problem description I intend to customize the excel download in odoo, but I can only add the "Export excle " option successfully under the form attempt. The tree view does not have this option form view tree Code: view.xml <act_window id...
Odoo runs on a virtual server, but cannot create a user, so it will report an error. When running locally, there is no problem. ...
< T > I know it s generic. What is the grammar and what is the use of < T = number >? Is there a link to the document? I didn t turn to . ...
const arr1=[{id:1,name: },{id:2,name: }] const arr2=[{id:1,name: },{id:3,name: }] the es6 method Filter drops the same items of id and arr1 id in arr2 ...
When starts for the first time, this network is a non-local address. I would like to know where to modify the function and configuration of this network? I looked through the official documentation and couldn t find the instructions for configuring ...
in webpack.base.config.js , why do I add @ : resolve ( src ) in resolve -> alias npm run dev ? ... resolve: { extensions: [ .js , .vue ], alias: { vue : vue dist vue.esm.js , @ : resolve( src ) } }...
<div id="app"> <i-table :columns="columns1" :data="historyData" height="700">< i-table> <Page :total="dataCount" :page-size="pageSize" @on-change...