topic description for example, there are often a large number of userid and itemid, in recommendation systems that seem to directly calculate the vector, of itemid, such as the calculation in gensim, or bow or skipgram, in neural networks, but their i...
jq can get the duration and resolution of the video by adding loadedmetadata. But how does video.js, get the resolution of the video? ...
sort out the notes from a year ago, and see a piece of code: (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c) f >=> g = x -> f x >>= g is just written differently ( > = > and @ > ). ther...
Mini Program page loads the world map. According to the selected country, the selected area is always marked on the map. How to load the world map in Mini Program? have you done any related projects ?...
when developing the Eclipse plug-in, use TableViewer to create a table. The same code is displayed as the first image in Mac and the second in Windows. Now you can click on the mouse. Under the Mac system, you can directly click on the cell in the red b...
is there any code beautification tool in python, that is, when uploading git, the code needs to be formatted automatically ...