$mail->Body = ; when I find that I want to send a letter, I will write a whole html + css phrase, and then add a php phrase like: $mail->Body = <html> <head> .$phpmailerCssStyle. < head> <body...
$mail->Subject = .$row[ name ]. ; $mail->Body = xxx ; $mail->AddBCC($row[ email ]); I want to send more than one person using a while circle now there is a problem is sure to send it to more than one person, all...
$mail= new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; $mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->CharSet = "utf8"; $mail->...
problem description =? UTF-8?GAMEFORCE member change password Notification? GAMEFORCE member change password Notification? = messages sent with phpmailer always have these extra characters in their headers. the environmental background of the proble...
phpmailer reports an error under windows online it is said that the function pfsockopen is disabled, but I see that my function is available ...
problem description vue mixins method implements object blending, form form check in iview the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried I can t move the code to data, related codes Please paste the code t...
def permutations(a): result = [] helper(a, result, 0, len(a)) return result def helper(a, result, lo, hi): if lo == hi: print(a) result.append(a) else: cursor = lo for i in range(lo, hi): ...
can table of iview nest input, select, and inputNumber like this? ...
Front-end rookie: just learning webpack, is not very clear about his packaging process, for example, my configuration file is not configured with entry, who will he go to as the entrance? Why does the name of css,js change to such a form as chunk-12f4.51...
I have a code as follows <style> ul { list-style: none; } < style> <ul class= test > <li class= word data-repeat= 1 >a< li> <li class= word data-repeat= 2 >b< li> <li ...