I need to change the values of the template to text and pictures ~ as a result, it is found that the document does not seem to be written to replace the picture and not even the addImage method checked the data and found no practical effect c...
problem description I now have a rich text string, such as $str= " < span style= " color: rgb (255,0,0); "> < hr > < span style= " color: rgb (255,0,0); "> qq < span style= " color: rgb (0,176240); "> Q Baidu URL (base64 coding of very...
the error message is as follows: Could not create a temporary file with unique name in the specified directory. error file: TemplateProcessor.php line 79 ...
phpword reported an error when operating the word template: ZipArchive::getFromName (): Invalid or uninitialized Zip object means invalid or uninitialized ZIP objects, as shown in the following figure (which I wrote in the laravel framework) it...
use PHPWord to implement the following chart to ensure that you can open in Wechat. how to lay out the picture and title and how to deal with the table section? ...
is similar to the table in the following figure there are some forms with clear typesetting requirements. Can phpword do it? How can I do that, because phpword s official website is all in English and looks confused I have searched for related qu...
problem description recently, middleware (body-parser) in express suddenly fails, req.body can not get any value , req.query can get the value . It was useful to add body-parser middleware at first, until yesterday when token was added, body-p...
I am now in this project, the account password is saved in localStorage. 1. Log in to the interface to determine whether the user checks to remember the password. If so, after interacting with the backend to determine whether the login is successful, ...
when doing front-end development, you often need to deal with url, so do you write a util to deal with it or use some open source libraries to deal with it? I would like to know what open source libraries are suitable for dealing with url? (processing ur...
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; namespace { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteL...
demand: footer my attempt: mountedfooter (: (footer)) is currently a project from vue-cli, with vue-router. solve. (it is hoped that each route jump will determine whether it is a details page, and if so, hide the bottom.) ...