figure even with video.js instantiated out of the player, but the playback time is in the form of countdown, want to change it into the general player s current time video total length format, but Baidu and access to official documents did not get...
problem description recently, Apple cms 10.x is used to integrate movie station players, which involves loading custom functions in loaded. However, in the playback aspect of this program, there must be a code with ckplayer in the setTimeout timer. If...
iframe nesting login page for login jump chrome68 prompt error manual click to allow require user gesture for framebusting in corss-origin iframes is there any way to jump without allowing users to click? ...
in the book written by ES6 Ruan Yifeng, there are several times the word "proposal ". I want to know what it means. Does it mean that ES6, which is not yet formal, is just something that someone may do after it is put forward? can the content be ignor...
problem description I just started to learn that react, got stuck here when passing parameters in react-router4. Please help me. the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code...
needs to listen in real time for real-time changes in the position of an element as it moves (the changes are done through animate), and deal with things when changes are detected, and there seems to be no such event in the native. is similar to $(elem)...
import echarts from echarts import echartsLiquidfill from echarts-liquidfill import liquidfill from echarts-liquidfill export function full_health (element_id) { var full_health = echarts.init(document.getElementById(element_id)); let op...