after reading the document, it is said to add @ Excel (needMerge=true) to the fields that need to be juxtaposed on the entity class. I don t know how to set the juxtaposition data relationship. There are few examples on the Internet. Which god can give ...
timeout passed to the browser due to slow query speed or large amount of data because the default connection timeout for HTTP requests is 30 seconds, do you have any good methods? POI used by the development package ...
How can the cell style be implemented in poi? There are many spaces between "date " and "Party A " ...
suppose there is item number P1PowerP2and its price 10d20, the first column of the excel table generated by is a drop-down list, the median value of which is P1 or P2, select P1, the first row and the second column automatically populate the price 10 ...
the code is as follows: File f = new File("D: demo.pptx"); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f); XMLSlideShow slideShow = new XMLSlideShow(in); XSLFSlideLayout layOut = slideShow.getSlideMasters()[0].getLayout(S...
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Minumum row number is 0 error is reported when exporting excel data specific errors are as follows: 17 47 16 46 15 45 14 44 13 43 12 42 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Minumum row number is 0 at org.apache.p...
my requirements are like this: word document type is xml, open with a text editor to see the following code (I only copied the header part of the code) how java can convert it to word type doc documents, Apache s poi seems to only convert word docume...
error message: Caused by: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: Element themeManager@ http: schemas.openxmlformats. is not a valid document@ http: schemas.openxmlformats. document or a valid substitution. error code: XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocume...
I have a paragraph in word Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$ {name of tendering agency}, dididdxxxxxxxxxxxx test ${name of tendering agency}. I want to replace the ${} package variable with the actual value when reading the paragraph using poi, I cannot read...
The requirement is to take a pptx file and update the charts in some slides based on the data in other excel. question: updating the data in the chart does not automatically update the range of ordinates, resulting in display problems the prob...
< H1 > question < H1 > poi reports an Duplicate PageSettingsBlock record exception when reading the xls file exported by the company s reporting system. org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordFormatException: Duplicate PageSettingsBlock record (sid=0x29) ...
component 1: const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => { return { currency: (data) => dispatch(currency(data)), } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => { return ({ changeContent: state.changeContent } ) } handleClick = (e...
after the user logs in successfully, the daemon will generate a signed token and return it to the browser. When the user wants to make further operations, the token, backend must be provided to the backend to verify that the token is correct before furth...
We know that the collections of the python built-in module has a lot of useful operations. for example: from collections import Counter -sharp -sharp top n user_counter = Counter("abbafafpskaag") print(user_counter.most_common(3)) -sharp[( ...
problem description because the temporary table created by DF needs to be queried many times, so the temporary table is cached, but it doesn t work? the amount of data is relatively large, about 10 billion, so it is necessary to optimize the efficie...
recently there is a demand to make a transaction K chart Day K is understandable, and the meaning of each square is relatively clear however, K or even minute K is more difficult to understand. The top and bottom of the box is the opening and closin...