response ...
Both then and catch in promise can handle exceptions, so what s the difference between them in handling exceptions? Promise.reject( error ).then(()=> {}, val=> { console.log(val); }); Promise.reject( error ).catch(val=> { console...
as shown in the figure above, what is not clear is: why then uses dot syntax, while catch and finally use [] syntax because catch and finally are keywords in js? I don t know what I don t know about this. this is the github address of this polyfi...
the following code always outputs Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): error1 , how to avoid it? the main function is that getVal preloads the first call, waits without return on the second call, and takes the value directly when it is retu...
Database query function query(sql) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { pool.getConnection(function (err, conn) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { conn.query(sql, function (e...
let p1 = new Promise(resolve => { resolve( promise1 resolved ); }) var p2 = p1.then(function(res){}); console.log( promise2: ,p2); chrome: {} shows pending, while [[PromiseStatus]] below shows resolved firefox : p2 is the i...
perPageFiles = filenames.slice(articleIndex, articleIndex + perPage); perPageFiles.forEach(function(filename, index) { fs.readFile(fileDirectory + filename + .md , utf-8 , function(err, data) { if (err) throw err; perPageDatas[index].arti...
can be run in Chrome. The program details are shown below: will the current task queue be rolled back to the status of the Project sibling as soon as you execute reject,? ...
functiong getPromise(){ return Promise.resolve( something ); } let getSomething = async function(){ let a = await getPromise(); return a; } The async function returns a promise object, so there is no way to return a non-promise ob...
at present, I have written the login operation in app.js. After obtaining Wechat s code, I obtain the authentication access-token from my own server. the code is as follows app.js onLaunch: function () { wx.login({ success: ...
The project uses axios, packaging to open Index.html as a local file and does not report errors in a lower version browser, but once deployed to the server, it will report errors that are not defined by promise. tried to introduce the babel-polyfill ...
recently, I am doing a web crawler, first grab the list page, then get the url, of all the content pages of the list page, and then call the url loop of all the list pages to the crawling method, which leads to the uncontrollable crawling order. I want ...
vue.js environment, you need to fill in multiple objects on the page and add them to the backend in batches. Currently, there are two APIs in api.js: apiCheckDuplicated (name) apiCreateNew (name) ajax calls implemented by axios. now the page has en...
I have reviewed articles of various promise implementations, all of which indicate that it is necessary to maintain a _ deferreds to save the callback function set information registered by the then method, and some implementations maintain onResolve...
Source code see here Promise.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) { if (this.constructor !== Promise) { return safeThen(this, onFulfilled, onRejected); } var res = new Promise(noop); handle(this, new Handler(onFulfilled, onR...
util.getToken (). Then (token = > { return util.wxRequest({ url: ports.orderList, method: POST , data: { user_id: 32793, ofstatus:10}, header: { X-Auth-Token : token, content-type ...
a.js a.js module.exports = { list: async () => { return await axios.get(getIntelligentPlatform) }, } b.js b.js const { list } = require( .. models meibrain ) list().then(res => { console.log( }) ...
let p1 = ()=>{ data = xxxx xxx true false return new Promise((res,rej)=>{ res(data) }) } p2 p3 promise let p2 = .... let p3 = .... p1() .then( (data)=>{ if (data) { return p2 } ...
write a chained call as follows: new Man( lan ).sleep(3).eat( apple ).sleep(3).eat( banana ); output: hello, lan--> (pause 3s)-> lan eat apple-> (pause 3s)-> lan eat banana my code is as follows: class Man { constructor(name) { th...
doctorComments(this.$route.params.hid, this.$route.params.fid, this.doctorHisId, this.createdon, this.pageno, 5) 1.axios .then(d => { 2. let dc = new Array() for(let i=0;i<d.list.length;iPP){ dc[i] = {doctorComments:d.list[i],isZhanshiC...
the data given by the background is as follows let arr =[ {id:1,name:"",value:15,code:"a1a5a5"}, {id:2,name:"",value:25,code:"a5d5sa51"}, ...
ssh: git@ org.eclipse.jgit.transport.CredentialItem$YesNoType:The authenticity of host can t be established. RSA key fingerprint is de:da:4c:17:9e:a2:6c:b5:5d:7f:45:aa:16:21:95:62. Are you sure you want to conti...
I have a local html static page, double-click in Google browser to open, but the page can not be displayed, directly jump to the 2345 home page, how to restore? static pages can not be accessed, so I feel bad ...
$client = new GuzzleHttp Client; $response = $client->request( POST , http: member.php?mod=logging&action=login&loginsubmit=yes&handlekey=login&loginhash=LRTTI&inajax=1 , array( form_params => array...
problem description when submitting a form using a custom NavBar navigation bar in Mini Program, if the lowest part is that the textarea,input floppy disk pops up, the navigation bar will be topped out, how to break this problem? component libraries...