writes a class that wants to read the data from a file and then store the data in the database. saver.connectMongo() .then(async () => { const data = await saver.getFileContent(filename); console.log(data); saver.saveCodeToMongo1(data...
there is a scenario where I need to use setInterval to obtain ajax requests (the backend is unwilling to use webscoket). I find that when the interface is in pending, it is still polling for sending requests. I want to make an optimization, that is, stop...
topic description you need to print in the desired order, as Synchronize does. sources of topics and their own ideas this is a simplified problem of actual requirements related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the cod...
I would like to ask if there is any way to turn asynchronism into Synchronize, similar to ajax in jquery ; similar to this function getData(){ var dataList; $.ajax({ async:false, .... success:function(data){ ...
problem description in the process of using JavaScript to develop Mini Program, there are already many wrapper libraries that convert the original Mini Program API interface into a promise-based wrapper library, so is there such a library in the TypeS...
Ruan Yifeng s introduction to ES6-async function there are two paragraphs: function dbFuc(db) { async let docs = [{}, {}, {}]; docs.forEach(async function (doc) { await db.post(doc); }); } db.postfor async function dbFuc(db...
problem description needs the output result to be 1 blocking execution before output 3, waiting for 2 related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) const Koa = require("koa"); const app = ne...
has the following code. In my expectation, using two browser windows (A _ Magi B window) to access http: at the same time, the total time to wait for the two pages to load should be close to 10 seconds, but it actually takes 20 seconds,...
encountered a problem of generator function while learning knowledge such as generator promise async-await in js: var fetch = require( node-fetch ); function* gen(){ var url = https: api.github.com users github ; var result = yield fetch(url...
some async await are written in the action of vuex, and some are written in the .vue file method. Where should I write it? ...
problem background: when using vee-validate, it is necessary to detect whether the user input value already exists through ajax in real time. An asynchronous detection rule is defined and event throttling is used because of event throttling, I extract...
async function getTitle(url) { let response = await fetch(url); let html = await response.text(); return html.match( <title>([ s S]+)< title> i)[1]; } for(let i=0;i<2;iPP){ let urls = `https: img.codeshelper.com upl...
how to execute Synchronize among multiple async function blocks? example: how do the following two async function blocks proceed sequentially? class Example { first; second; constructor(){ } async getFirstVal(){ this.fir...
functiong getPromise(){ return Promise.resolve( something ); } let getSomething = async function(){ let a = await getPromise(); return a; } The async function returns a promise object, so there is no way to return a non-promise ob...
PageTagMapModel.getPageTagMapNum ({tag: single._id, status: normal }) returns the page_num found by the mongoose query, but if three lines of comments are used in the code, there is no page_num attribute in the resulting data. You can use = to assig...
this problem is difficult to describe, but I ll try to ,orm(typeOrm),mockProjectPanorama(ProjectPanorama) 3Panorama(mockData.defaultPanoramas) 3Panorama3ProjectPanorama ProjectPanorama projectId panoramaId 1 3 1 3 1 3 3panorama, ,le...
it is expected that the following code should be printed in the order of 1 2 3 4 5, but when it is actually executed, it is 1 2 5 3 4 4 (async () => { console.log("1"); let n = await new Promise((reslove, reject) => { console.lo...
I don t know much about how to call the interface from the front and back end, but I don t know how to explain it. I ll simulate a project to illustrate my problem. now we have a project, the front end is developed with vue, the back end is develop...
official website: ...
problem description there is an inexplicable style on the page when working on the mobile end. No html node is displayed on the page. It will appear when you enter the page for the first time and disappear after refreshing. the environmental backgro...
< H2 > question < H2 > novice, I want to do a react single-page application with a separate login page. I don t know how to handle the routing of the login page. I handled the login component according to the following code. I can log in and go to...
the java code is as follows: public String doEncrypt(String srcString) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidA...