Pull - Related information

  • Why is the git pull for VS2017 not available?

    my VS2017 has several git repositories, but all of them can only be pushed but not pulled, as shown in the figure . The [pull] button is always grayed out. I have tried to change the base or merge with the remote branch, but it doesn t work. Why and...

  • How can js convert csv files or string to UTF-8 format

    such as the title, because to import the data in the csv file, the file format is not UTF-8, it is garbled on the web page, as shown in the following figure. if it is in UTF-8 format, the display is normal Chinese, no problem. so I d like to ask...

  • Win7 java environment variable configuration

    I installed an installation-free version of jdk1.7; does not have administrator privileges and cannot configure system environment variables, only user environment variables; but why, after I have configured, execute java-version and javac-version, c...

  • About the customization of wrapper

    problem description case: using gradle for the first time using the gradle wrapper command (I don t have any files at this time) built successfully build.gradle Cannot add task wrapper as a task with that name already exists. question: d...

  • Questions about functional swift and closures (see content for details)

    indirect enum FormExpression { case float(Float) case reference(String,Int) case infix(FormExpression,String,FormExpression) case function(String,FormExpression) } extension FormExpression { static var floatParser:FormParser<FormExpres...

  • Problems with the combination of react router 4 and antd-mobile

    problems with the combination of react router 4 and antd-mobile for example: antd s bottom menu component https: mobile.ant.design com., which puts the content to be rendered within the component tag {this.renderContent( Life )} {this.render...
