how can the client of html5+ get the message using the transparent message push of a push? receive and click events in plus.push are provided in html+, but no one can trigger them on any page. ...
the code is as follows: . @ approval.route ( submit , methods= [ GET , POST ]) @ login_required def _ submit (): form = LEForm() if current_user.can(Permission.WRITE) and request.form.get( submit , None) == "": po...
there is such an application scenario: the payment center needs to push notification 4 to specify consumer; in the user group platform needs to send notification 1 to assign consumer to merchant group, 2 to assign consumer to user group, and 3 to s... html {% for notice in notice_list %}{{}}{{ notice.content_object.pub_date|timesince }}{{notice.sender}}{% ifequal notice.n_type 1 %} {{notice.content_object.topic.title}}{% else %} {{notice.content_object.topic.title}} @:{% endifequ...
registered the component runoob in my main.js file but never showed it on the final displayed page. the content of index.html is as follows: ...