in the vue-cli project, I registered service worker was registered with scope: static 1. Does this mean that service worker will only process requests that start with static? Other requests, such as logon, test, are no longer cached? 2. If...
configuration of webpack new workboxPlugin.InjectManifest({ swSrc: sw.js , swDest: "serviceWorker.js" }) error report: readFile is empty? ...
there are currently two vue projects with basically the same architecture. Is there any way to integrate the two projects into one? Suppose that Project An and Project B can directly introduce the package file of Project B on the basis of Project A. is t...
recently made a mini application with android version of chrome. The ordinary version (using ur access) has no problem at all, but once mainfest.json is configured (serviceWorker.js is not configured), after homescreen establishes the app icon, the sock...
Thank you for opening a pwa, on the mobile phone, and the screen starts again, and the Manifest file takes effect. But opening it on the PC side has no effect. Doesn t Google already support pc? ...
if I have an api, the data returned by the api will not be affected by user actions, so it rarely changes, and I intercept the api, using caching first. If my data changes, how can I abandon the original cache and adopt the new data? How do you let sw kn...
did not notice that Service work, is used in create-react-app to modify the code after it is launched, and the browser cannot be updated. How to make html update forcefully. before index.js did not add hash, now index on the server all add hash. Some ...
demand: need to count the installation of desktop icons and desktop entry traffic I don t know if there are related API and events installation statistics, installation callback event Desktop Startup event about the first point: install callb...
name: WebPushError , message: Received unexpected response code , statusCode: 400, headers: { content-type : text html; charset=UTF-8 , date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 11:16:39 GMT , expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 11:16:39 GMT , ...
wrote this code according to the tutorial: register , jsonParser, function(req, res) { var endpoint = req.body.endpoint var key = req.body.key var authSecret = req.body.authSecret console.log(saveSubscriptionToDatabase) ...
what are PWA and single-page applications and webAPP respectively? they seem to be about the same. I m a little confused. Can you give me a few examples? ...
The format of the manifest.json, file added to webapp is as follows, but it is manually added to the home screen every time. How to add it actively? { "start_url": " ?utm_source=homescreen", "name": "", ...
problem description vue project needs to pass cookie the local localhost is set to http: (the domain name of the project deployment) proxy is set: proxyTable: { apis : { target: http: , ...
what does a js file load mainly do? is there anything to deal with at this time of variable and function declaration ...
problem description create a student Schame, with mongoose but report an error at run time, the error is in the Schema; of the third line TypeError: schema is not a constructor looked at the code did not find a mistake, please help to have a look, t...
many methods have been found on the Internet, but it is still not possible to install plug-ins. Babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-runtime .babelrc is as follows { "presets": ["es2015","stage-3"], "plugins&...
update(even){ console.log(even); alert(JSON.stringify(this.tag_choose_options)); even.forEach(function (item) { alert(JSON.stringify(this.tag_choose_options)); this.tag_choose_optio...