> db.lagou_cookie.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5c21f6ab65adddf40b330fb3"), "cookie" : "user_trace_token=20180909010719-4eb82332-59f2-4979-b7ba-4a96de35eb40; _ga=GA1.2.1153938840.1536426437; LGUID=20180909010720-a5755fe...
problem description python encountered the following errors during the development of aircraft wars: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D: python aircraft wars .py ", line 53, in < module > main() File "D: python aircraft Wars. Py ", lin...
def news_crawler(): recommend_list = [] url = "https: www.infoq.cn public v1 article getIndexList" r = requests.get(url) r.encoding = utf-8 r_json = r.json() r_json = r_json[ data ][ recommend_list ] for i...
KERAS rookie, did the neural network, found that always reported an error, tried for a few days and did not find out the reason, please give me some advice import pandas as pd import numpy as np import keras import sklearn from sklearn import metrics f...
views.py html {% for notice in notice_list %}{{notice.id}}{{ notice.content_object.pub_date|timesince }}{{notice.sender}}{% ifequal notice.n_type 1 %} {{notice.content_object.topic.title}}{% else %} {{notice.content_object.topic.title}} @:{% endifequ...
the demand is to find the name with the highest price of danwei. I use aggregate function to add groups, which is useless, not only MAX is useless, MIN is not available, except COUNT can work. does the Great God have any other ways? looked up a lot ...
django Cross-domain chrome lost cookie I found this problem in vue before, but now I still have this problem with the simplest page plus ajax related codes django.settings as above, firefox is normal and chrome is abnormal. Both of them have...
system: win10 IDLE:spyder3. script: (about saving and fetching storage) -sharp! usr bin python -sharp Filename: pickling.py import cPickle as p -sharpimport pickle as p shoplistfile = shoplist.data -sharp the name of the file where we will store...
topic description the program that saves the crawled data from this program into the csv file sources of topics and their own ideas self-written program ~ related codes import urllib.request import urllib.parse import json import re import requ...
the following is a simhash algorithm implemented by python. The current problem with Xiao Sheng is that I can t understand the following code. ask the great god to help me with the answer where I marked it. -sharp! usr bin python -sharp coding=utf-8 ...
writes a simple Flask Web Application, but when Debug, all URL accesses return 404 Code Project: https: github.com jualy007 n... RuleMap contains many rule. Simply take a rule: Rule home (HEAD, OPTIONS, GET)-> home.hometest ...
python2.7 reads sqlserver database to burst memory ...
pywin32 operation Excel environment problem 1, whether associated with machine environment 2, whether associated with office ...
when implementing a method, I always worry that the incoming parameters are illegal, but I don t want to write a check because it s redundant. A simple function, a few lines of things, write a bunch of checks, and the method becomes older. And a row o...
The rotation output < tr bgcolor= "- sharpffffff " > and < TR bgcolor= "- sharpEEEEEE " > in the django for aaa in aaa_list loop seem to work with forloop.counter. But it always doesn t work if you try. I don t know how to write this? is the backg...
recently, I want to process the form for analysis. Due to the lack of experience in dealing with sql or csv, I have encountered the following problems and asked to solve them: question 1: companyID fresh 23865 13-2 23866 10-3 23867 8-...
creates a dictionary that uses a person s name as a key, enters a name lookup value, and returns an error. Code: people={ Alice : { phone : 6789 , addr : Ruan road 23 }, Mary :{ phone : ...
there is such a set of data nationHOLwage avg23 ...
topic description similar to the problem of N SUM, the idea comes from a small task encountered in the work, abstracted out: has m items, and gives the unit price of each item, P1 br P2, P3 br. Now there are n orders, and the total amount of each ord...
after the database updates the data, there is no change after flask_admin refresh, and the database sqlserver2000 admin, refresh and no re-update I wonder where the cached data is, and I don t know what to do with it. I found it on the Interne...
for example, when my md5 encryption js is placed in the utils folder, and the js of the page needs to be introduced into md5, what is the difference between using require introduction and import introduction? I think the official document says to use req...
I would like to ask why after I introduce Message in this way, Message pops up automatically after entering the page? ...
there are a batch of statements to be written as follows (koa routing configuration), and the form is fixed as follows router.get( pattern , api.getPattern) router.post( pattern , api.setPattern) router.get( road , api.getRoad) router.post( ...
koa-router routing settings are as follows, router.get( user :id ) router.get( user aaa ) cannot access user aaa, is parsed to the parameter aaa ; when the following settings are set, router.get( user aaa ) router.get( user :id ) c...
are jade and jsp the same thing? what are the advantages of templates such as jade over vue,react? What kind of scenarios are suitable for? is jade server rendering? ...