I use Supervisor for process control etc supervisor conf.d onehomeServer.conf [program:onehomeServer] command=sudo home fanfei onehomeServer env bin gunicorn --bind unix: tmp www.fanfei.site.socket onehomeServer.asgi:application directory= home fanf...
recently I have been using vs code to learn django . In models.py , when I type name = CharF, the following prompt will appear. what I want to ask is Why does it prompt char_field, not CharField, Why is there an extra models after completion...
background: course design involves calling several compiled .exe executables at the back end. Calling hello.exe directly in test.py is tested to be fine, but calling hello.exe in django views.py fails: hello.exe is not an internal or external comm...
problem description The Django template dynamically generates < option > of < select >, and the front end is rendered as a bootstrap-select component; after F5 refreshes the page, there will be the same component under the bootstrap-select component. ...
class School(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) class Claxx(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) school = models.ForeignKey(School, related_name= claxxes ) class Student(models.Model): name = models...
Today, a DRF framework is built. In admin background management, the user model inherits the built-in model AbstractUser when admin adds a new user, the user s password is saved in clear text. What s going on ...
recently, I was studying a Django REST framework tutorial. I made an error when writing a script to import data into the database. Please take a look at it. Thank you. Development Environment: win10+python3.6+django2.0 Project directory structure is a...
after combining vue project with django project, hint: Not Found: graphql [30 Jan 2019 05:37:44] "GET graphql HTTP 1.1 " 404 2064 but after searching, I found that there is no such graphql at all. I don t know if it comes with it or in which ...
starts with no slash at the end of the path path ( schoolhot ,xxx_funciton) can only access http: schoolhot at this time. < hr > change to the end of the path with a slash path ( schoolhot ,xxx_funciton) visiting http:...
I saw a paging method on the Internet: def get(self, request, format=None): -sharp roles = Product.objects.all() -sharp pg = PageNumberPagination() -sharp page_roles = pg.paginate_queryset(queryset...
I checked almost all the solutions to this error on the Internet, none of them . Ask my old friend to help me. I m really going crazy. the following is the detailed error message: Unhandled exception in thread started by <function check_errors.&...
use Django2.1.4 to do web single page application (Python3.7.1) for the first time. Models.py uses models.IntegerField () to define orm mapping, mysql database version 8.0.12-winx64, using INT type field. When the field is non-zero , the result can be ...
views.py html {% for notice in notice_list %}{{notice.id}}{{ notice.content_object.pub_date|timesince }}{{notice.sender}}{% ifequal notice.n_type 1 %} {{notice.content_object.topic.title}}{% else %} {{notice.content_object.topic.title}} @:{% endifequ...
django Cross-domain chrome lost cookie I found this problem in vue before, but now I still have this problem with the simplest page plus ajax related codes django.settings as above, firefox is normal and chrome is abnormal. Both of them have...
The rotation output < tr bgcolor= "- sharpffffff " > and < TR bgcolor= "- sharpEEEEEE " > in the django for aaa in aaa_list loop seem to work with forloop.counter. But it always doesn t work if you try. I don t know how to write this? is the backg...
if you want to return a small piece of html code directly in views instead of a html file, how to do it ...
in my project needs to achieve similar to the network disk to select multiple files (or click select all) to download multiple files, for a single file I currently practice is to directly use the FileResponse return way, but multiple files to do a loop d...
in my project needs to achieve similar to the network disk to select multiple files (or click select all) to download multiple files, for a single file I currently practice is to directly use the FileResponse return way, but multiple files to do a loop d...
in my project needs to achieve similar to the network disk to select multiple files (or click select all) to download multiple files, for a single file I currently practice is to directly use the FileResponse return way, but multiple files to do a loop d...
how to add correspondence between two models for example, the following two classes: from django.db import models class Question(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = verbose_name_plural = question_text = models....
what should I do to solve the problem? it was all good before. It s been like this since I built a new project . ...
topic description traversing the array with foreach and using the & reference assignment, I can t understand why the last value of the array element is preceded by a & related codes Please paste the code text below (please do not replace the ...
as shown in the figure, in the heap typed by jmap, [C and String appear at the same time. it s a little strange that String itself is saved in final char [], and it is listed here at the same time, which means that [the number of instances and memory...
problem description how should I introduce it into my code after using npm install exif-js-- save to install local dependencies? I try to use import EXIF from exif-js . I always report errors, but I don t seem to use it that way. ...
I recently used the twilio service ( https: media.twiliocdn.com s.) and then made a successful call using js. just encountered a problem. after the end of the conversation, twilio s js sdk did not help me to turn off the key alarm on google chrome...