problem description recently plans to develop an intelligent chat robot, similar to jd, intelligent customer service on Taobao, more questions and answers currently there are 100w question and answer data in mysql. When users ask a question, they h...
recently I have been using vs code to learn django . In , when I type name = CharF, the following prompt will appear. what I want to ask is Why does it prompt char_field, not CharField, Why is there an extra models after completion...
Python data can be read in {{admin_priv | safe}} mode in HTML file how to read Python data in JS file? scenario: A page needs to embed B page as part of its own page. B page generates some pages needed by A through JS to provide B with Python data pro...
background: course design involves calling several compiled .exe executables at the back end. Calling hello.exe directly in is tested to be fine, but calling hello.exe in django fails: hello.exe is not an internal or external comm...
Database Design: db = SQLAlchemy() roles_users = db.Table( roles_users , db.Column( user_id ,db.Integer(),db.ForeignKey( )), db.Column( role_id ,db.Integer(),db.ForeignKey( )) ) class Role(db.Model,RoleMixin):...
has been installed in pip. Hold this error when import pywifi >>> import pywifi Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File " Library Python 2.7 site-packages pywifi
problem description The Django template dynamically generates < option > of < select >, and the front end is rendered as a bootstrap-select component; after F5 refreshes the page, there will be the same component under the bootstrap-select component. ...
topic description error setting an array element with a sequence. sources of topics and their own ideas error setting an array element with a sequence. related codes from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.applicatio...
use Pandas to analyze an excel data, which contains the excel date field date , stored values such as 2018-12-31 , and use pd.read_excel to read all excel data. Since the values in the table are entered artificially, in order to avoid potential readi...
such as title: wepy[][1] wepy wepy ...
problem description there are hundreds of devices, and each device produces some real-time data every second. These data will be analyzed and used later. What is the best way to store these data? the environmental background of the problems and what...
ask urgently!! ...
I have just studied python2 for a month, and the basic function of this code has been realized. However, there is such a mess in the view function. How to optimize this code? the following code is mainly through the data submitted by the form, sending p...
I deal with a lot of data. After one processing, the console can only see the second half of the data. As shown in figure is there any way to see the front? ...
1. while x < 3: print("x%d" % x) y = 0 while y < 3: print("y%d" % y) print("") y += 1 print("y%d" % y) print("") x += 1 print("x%d&...
Why struct.calcsize ( "5id ") is 32? struct RateInfo { time_t time; int open; int high,low,close; double vol; }; requires a struct such a...
cmake file cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) project(server) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) add_executable(server main.cpp HttpRequest.h HttpServer.h ThreadPool.h) find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED) include_directories(${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}) targe...
I run the single file directly without import errors. In addition, it is normal for me to use mongodb in the py file alone, but when I run it in the scrapy project, I will say that the import failed. Why? import json import pymongo from
111$$_{preGradeName}_$$2222$$_{preGradeName}_$$3333$$_{gradeName}_$$4444$$_{shortLink}_$$5555 $$_{ }_$$ Gods, how to write this rule ...
I downloaded the page of China Weather Network using Python and requests, but the content of "Typhoon Dynamics " on the left was missing. That s strange. How to solve it? this is what happens when I download the web page and open it. the foll...
recently I ve been learning that ts, doesn t quite understand this part of global variables. For example, such an expression in the original node global.sql = require( . tools mysql ).sql; this allows you to define a global variable. and how shou...
wrote a global loading let Loading = {} installflag Loading.installed = false Loading.install = function (Vue) { if (Loading.installed) return Vue.prototype.$loading = {} Vue.prototype.$ = () => { loading ...
this is the in the project blog from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path( , views.index, name="index"), ] this is the in the root directory from django.contrib import admin from django.urls ...
problem description the placeholder attribute does not work when the input element gets focus under IE11 abnormal effect of IE11 : : related codes <input class="prompt" type="text" placeholder=""> js code ...
< template > <div class="slide"> <div v-for="(item,index) in list" class="slide-wrap" @click="showList(item)"> <router-link class="title" tag="div" :to="{ p...