how does golang get the underlying type name? give an example: func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { io.WriteString(w, "hello") } h := http.HandlerFunc(Hello) http.HandleFunc(" hello", h) here through reflect...
for example, demo2 comment: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD}) public @interface Demo2 { int max() default 100; int min() default 1; boolean isNotNull() default true; } now only the annot...
I get the HTML code of the content area through PHP, including the Js code. Then overwrite it to the div whose id is display display then I click a button that id is the same for all pages. then executes two events because different pages perform d...
The database is a file generated by the train collector in .db3 format. It is not valid to replace replace with wildcards in the sql statement. Use regexp to find the matching prompt no such function like regexp. Can regular expressions or wildcards be u...
I want to get some ip http: en free-proxy. of this website. because if I click servers per page to change to 100 or 50, there will be more ip in the table. I check that Firebug, should be a post request, and then I replace headers and param...