<a href="-sharp">< a><span>< span> I want to get an array with two elements home and personal Center the result of trying to write this is not correct Home personal Center .match ( < [^ >] * > (. *) <...
I am practicing regular foresight. I would like to ask the old driver to take a look at this: var names = 18180cm82.5%A ; A: % names.match( [ d .]+(?=%) g); ["82.5"] B: % 18180 names.match( ([ d .])+(?!%) g); ["18&...
: " " : ([a-z]) d a123, b, c .match( [a-z](?= d) g); ["a"] .match( (?!)[ u4e00- u9fa5] g ); ["", "", "", ""] 1: (?!) 2: (?!)[ u4e00- u9fa5] " " Thank ...
var videoid = url.match( (?:https?: {2})?(?:w{3} .)?instagram(?:be)? .(?:com|be)(?: p | )([^ s&]+) ); assume that the network address is https: www.instagram.com p xxx ?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet the above rule table can be f...
import re print(re.findall( I b , hellow I am LIST ))-sharp [ I ] print(re.findall(" l","abca lsd"))-sharp [ l ] Why does the first match b only need 2 , while the second match l needs 4? ...
var str = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbcccccccccc( ; if (! ^ s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+( s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+)* s*$ .test(str)) { alert( ); } : cccccccccc additional requirements: only content is allowed to be a combination of [letters, numbers, spaces], b...
encountered when cleaning web page data, how to extract all the contents if there are multiple target objects in a piece of html text. for example, the following paragraph <span style="mso-spacerun: yes ;font-family:;mso-ascii-font-family:C...
I would like to ask all the bosses. Why does console.log ( (? = ^ a) bd .test ( abd,bcd )) print out false. Maybe I don t understand this thing well enough ...
expect the result of replacement 10062899f25a-1234.png String name = "10062899f25a-05a6.png"; String replaceValue = StringUtils.replaceAll(name, "^ - w{4}", "-1234"); System.out.println("replaceValue...
for example: var str= < div style= "text-align: center; " > < span style= "font-size: 12px; " > Please fill out the form < div > < div style= "text-align: center; " > < span style= "font-size: 12px; " > We will contact you in 1-2 working days...
php regular match doc or pdf extension match doc or pdf extension 1212.doc 1419421.pdf in the following document preg_match_all( |(.*).doc|U , $namelist[$j], $nn[$j]); previously used is | (. *). Doc | U, which can only match doc,. Now I want b...
The requirement is to replace the sensitive words in the HTML document. But I just want to replace plain text, and some html tags contain sensitive words, which I don t want to replace. For example, the src of the img tag contains sensitive words, and ...
JD.com s pen question input sample: string A: ababcb string B: xyx the substring aba,bab,bcb of substring An is equivalent to the shape of string B. We are asking to find out how many substrings in An are equivalent to string B. (obviously, the le...
problem description: how do I use regular expressions to find values in parentheses that begin with a colon (including colons, values are not limited to numbers)? example: match (: 123) ((:123)) (((:123))) always keep the parentheses at the pre...
var key = ? (key) var str1 = `{{${key} ? ${key}: nihao }}` var str2 = `{{ ${key} && nihao }}` var str3 = `{{ nihao || ${key} }}` reg.test(str1) && reg.test(str2) && reg.test(str3) === true reg =? ...
for example, seq = my two friends Zhou Jie and Jay Chou. match_target = Zhou Jie | Jay Chou R = re.findall (match_target,seq) the R of return is [ Zhou Jie , Zhou Jie ], and indicates that there is something wrong with match_target. How s...
there is a data dictionary. Now that some items are to be left blank, can you delete them in batches with regular expressions? the data format is about this . arr = [ { name:"add", age: 12, address:[ {},...
<DIV class=xx_time> <LI>:2018-08-22 22:01:<script src=" plus count.php?view=yes&aid=514&mid=2" type= text javascript language="javascript">< script> < LI> < DIV> <DI...
how do I match all the commas between parentheses? there is only one parenthesis. the bosses used a favor in the development ....
var code= 456 var bol1 = ^[0-9]*$ .test(code) var bol2 = ^[a-zA-Z]*$ .test(code) var bol3 = ^[ u4e00- u9fa5]*$ .test(code) if (bol1 || bol2 || bol3) { } the above three regularities are used to judge only pure numbers or letters, or pure Ch...