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for example, there is a paragraph of markdown . -sharp-sharp mysql >mysql MySQL Command Line Client mysql; ; ![image](http: localhost:3000 images markdown image-1551081068552-11.png) [http: localhost:8081 markdown 3](http: localhost:8081 mar...
location ws chat xxx { proxy_pass http: www.abc.com ws chat xxx ; } for example, xxx is a string, so how do I get this string and use it in proxy_pass that string is similar to "20,35 ", which is the number + underscore + numb...
problem description ask the boss for help to write a regular expression Raw data: < H3 > [5RU 1.000 dint 5RU 2.400] I feel basically shaking. He sings. output result: 1.000 2.400 I feel basically shaking. He sings. want to match the above ...
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`xxx`) for example, how to match backquotes [`] ...
I want to extract url from the following: {"code": 0, "data": {"cdnFileUrl": "http: download.example.com.cn download product mi rules example_url_201902123.pkg", "code": 0, "message": "s...
Hello prawns! logstash: [19 Feb 2019:17:43:11 + 0800] "GET news-spread_index-138.html HTTP 1.1 " 7920 "- " Mozilla 5.0 (Linux; Android 8.1; MI 6X Build OPM1.171019.011; wv) AppleWebKit 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version 4.0...
if the figure shows a section of the log, you need to count the execution time of this API and the corresponding parameters. That is, all the content between the beginning of the api dialog line until the end of the [info] execution time: 1.036043...
string original format: 123123 requirements: 1O2O3O1T2T3T1O2O3O description: add O after characters that are not in parentheses, and T after characters in parentheses...
IDE is vs code. Practice regular expressions according to the code in the book, but keep prompting errors. The error code is Anomalous backslash in string: s expressions. String constant might be missing an r prefix. the picture is as follows ...
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http: schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope " xmlns:soapenc="http: schemas.xmlsoap.org soap encoding " xmlns:xsd="http: www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http: www.w3.org 2001 XML...
convert the level of an inner-table number according to the format. The format is defined as follows (matching the last digits): Type 1 AAAAA (5 hyphens) ABCDEF Type 2 AAAA (4 hyphens, excluding 4) ABCDE Class 3 AAA (3 hyphens, excluding 4) ABCD Cla...
topic description The requirement is to replace the better in text with that strong in the regular mode of the sub method, where I have added r to indicate escape. Why add a , written as r * (. *?) *? Why can t you just write ringing * (....
if there is the string $a = "(a.b) b.c (c.d.e) " now put the value in parentheses. Remove it, but outside the parentheses. Keep, the result that needs to get is (ab) b.c (cde) what should I do with it ...
are there any js regular expression experts? would like to ask how to implement regular expression validation "folder A folder B folder C... " Or folder A, where 1 is satisfied. Cannot start and end with " ", 2. Cannot have more than two consec...
A paragraph, such as [aaa](bbb(ASDASD)XSSAXASX) what I want to get is bbb (ASDASD) XSSAXASX ...
are there any js regular expression experts? would like to ask how to implement regular expression validation "folder A folder B folder C... " Or folder A, where 1 is satisfied. Cannot start and end with " ", 2. You cannot have more than two c...
< span data-v-19af1fd2= " " contenteditable= "false " class= "face-box " > ...
there is a paragraph in the example of the conversion of URLs from non-www to www in the official Apache HTTPD documentation. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www .example .com [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ RewriteRule ^ ?(.*) http: www.example.com $1...
inside the crawler, the whole html is sent down to download. there is a js content $("-sharpjquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ ready: function (event) { $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3: "http: audio.yixu...
Why doesn t re-setting the points property and then calling the draw method not empty the previous painting? when clicked, it becomes two lines $(function() { const stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: -sharpcontainer , ...
can js translate English into Chinese? ...
the company s products are mainly for security. I have only just arrived at the company. Due to the lack of people here, I am now in charge of the company s public service (technical level), which is a bit similar to the structure. I have no relevant e...
The use mechanism of document.execCommand ( copy ) is only available in events that require the user to take the initiative to take action, such as click. but is there a similar official statement for this user-initiated event ? Or will each browse...