this is my ruby and rails versions require test_helper class SayControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "should get hello" do get say_hello_url assert_response :success end test "should say hello in ...
my environment is: I would like to ask you, how to set up, how to do? Thank you very much. ...
it says here that I don t define that the method, problem lies in the app views model show.html.haml file. I tried to find out what s wrong with the def show in controller, but I didn t find anything wrong. related codes Please paste the co...
problem description Why do you say undefined method here the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) .parameters-area ....
when using ruby on rails, I often see Rails.env.development? Rails.env.production? Such an expression. Print Rails.env, directly to get development s answer. I looked all over the configuration file, but I don t know where it was configured. Is it the...
I wanted to run my project with shell, so I wrote a script shell, following the online example, but it didn t seem to work. Ask the boss to give some instructions. When I was running, command stopped at the first command, elasticsearch, did not continu...
when I finish typing my password, press submit screenshot 2018-08-21 4.53.10 pm 2018-08-21 4.54.06 this is the code I think is wrong class AdminController < ApplicationController def log_in @note = session[:note] end def log_out session[:n...
I have looked up the relevant topics about the launch of rails on the website, and they are all blurred. Can you tell me the relevant settings of nginx? is there any module that needs to be compiled in nginx? I know that apache has mod_ruby and eruby, ...
Server configuration: 4core 8G there are several nginx+rails+mongodb+redis+sidekiq services. where rails starts 2 worker, and one worker10 thread sidekiq concurrency is set to 15 how should I optimize or upgrade the server? ...
-- binary= usr bin firefox -- port=4444 http: session < H1 > < Net::HTTPInternalServerError:0x00000001865438 > < H1 > var lib gems 2.3.0 gems selenium-webdriver-3.13.0 lib selenium webdriver remote response.rb:69:in `assert_ok : P...
rails polymorphism problem: I now have questions , articles , comments three models, one question corresponds to multiple comments , and a article corresponds to multiple comments . Now how to submit comments under question ? my model...
for example, there is a form like this: <input type="text" name="user[name]" value="bob"> is parsed into the following format in rails params { user: { name: "bob" } } so there are two questions I ...
this is a comment page of a school curriculum grading system. I want to do this: 1. Count the number of words in each comment 2. When the whole loop is over, count out the total number of words of all comments < div id= "header " > < H1 > Course R...
Environment: rails webpacker: vue + vuex + vue-router + iview problem: change the state value through mutation, and through the vue browser debugging tool, you can see that mutation triggers normally, but the variable for computed to get the correspond...
recently read railstutorial . the model generated through rails g model User name:string email:string has gradually become the following virtues with the tutorials: class User < ApplicationRecord before_save { = email.downcase } v...
problem description when I use the logstash-input-jdbc plug-in Synchronize MySQL data to ES, the SQL query meets 13 but only 12 when I save to ES. I added a data entry to the table Synchronize is the last unsaved data, and when I exit from the termin...
scrapy-redis multiple servers are running at the same time. Will the other servers stop sending ctrl+c, on one server? ...
< H2 > problem description < H2 > vue-cli3.0 opens blank space on pc and can be opened normally on Android ios in browser Wechat on pc does not seem to support es6 syntax < H2 > the environmental background of the problem and what methods you have ...
problem description I didn t expect that one day I would be stuck in such a basic place for so long. It hasn t been solved yet. I still have to ask my eldest brothers to take a look at it for me. the environmental background of the problems and...
table has an el-select for each row, and then I need to add the item object to an array every time I select a select. < el-table-column prop= "position " label= "standby " align= "center " > <template slot-scope="scope"> ...