because px2rem is used, 1px will be converted into 0.00000xxxrem . Many browsers cannot recognize it, so they can only use 1Px instead of 1px . But when formatting a document, Vetur converts 1Px into 1px . Checked the documentation of the tw...
sometimes the background picture encoded by base64 is used, which makes a line of code too long. Can css wrap it? &.sort > span::after { background-image: url(data:image png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAwAAAAMCAYAAABWdVznAAAAAXNSR0IArs...
problem description the css prefix generated by postcss-loader autoprefixer packaging is incomplete, only-ms-. related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) webpack.base.config.js rules: [ { ...
Note: is visual studio not visual studio code my project can run normally Line 42 in figure, I want vs to support the scss syntax inside the .vue file. What settings do I need to do? Thank you all ...
problem description compilation missing part of wrap the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried Environment: gulp, scss related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures...
set style <style lang="scss" scoped> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } < style> found that it is only valid for some elements. all valid after being changed to deep .editor deep { * { ...
problem description how does the Angular project configure to use sourceMap for style debugging? There is no way to establish a mapping relationship when you try to add a workspace in chrome. the environmental background in which the problem occurs ...
want to input this, continue to + 4 from 3 .test-3 {} .test-7 {} .test-11 {} .test-15 {} .test-19 {} .test-23 {} . it would be better if we could do this, but it feels a little more difficult .test-3 {} .test-4 {} .test-7 {} .test-8 {} ...
there is such a requirement: <ul> <li>1< li> <li>2< li> <li>3< li> <li>4< li> <li>5< li> <li>6< li> <li>7< li> <li>8< li&...
In the project development of weex, it is hoped that the Css preprocessor is generally used to write with Vue. Under the condition of web compilation, it can be compiled normally, but it cannot be compiled in the compilation environment of the mobile ter...
If the component does not provide an interface to set the width and height, what if you want to change the width and height yourself? the current method is to use important override reset in the scss file that initializes global variables, which is un...
$color_1:black; $color_2:red; $color_3:yellow; .txt_1{ color: $color_1; } .txt_2{ color: $color_2; } .txt_3{ color: $color_3; }...
the cause of the problem recently, when you set up a npm private server, it was no problem to download the project dependency package locally, but you will fail to install node-sass on the server. Although cnpm can be used to solve the problem, privat...
< H2 > questions such as questions < H2 > @import ".. base base"; iconfont @import ".. font iconfont-180726.scss"; iconfont as above, this scss file is a public package, and the page has its own separate scss ...
according to the previous understanding: introduce styles.scss into angular.json introduce variable.scss into styles.scss use in login.component.scss but an error is reported. How to use global variables without introducing variable.scss indiv...
at first, I configured postcss in webpack , which works, but if a background image is introduced in scss , such an error will be reported when packing. So I added publicPath to the postcss configuration, and found that it did not report an error...
different css files need to be referenced dynamically according to the data returned in the background. Considering that import cannot use variables, it is effective to use require, , but it is not very good , . how should I write it? ...
it is not wrong to add before each line ...
getThemeCluster(theme) { const tintColor = (color, tint) => { let red = parseInt(color.slice(0, 2), 16) let green = parseInt(color.slice(2, 4), 16) let blue = parseInt(color.slice(4, 6), 16) if (tint === 0) { w...
the project encounters the function that needs to modify the theme. V-if can be implemented, but it is very troublesome. Want to know how to change the variables color in scss through vue or js ...
Laravel Version: 5.5 PHP Version:7.0 Laravel-admin: 1.5.* follow the official documentation step by step when installing laravel-admin. in the php artisan admin:install command, prompt me There are no commands defined in the "admin " namespace. ...
Is there any example of whether the node-cache of node.js supports high concurrency? ...
this is the configuration of nginx: server { listen 80; server_name; charset utf-8; index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; client_max_body_size 75M; location { include uwsgi_params; uws...
beforeback: function() { webview alert(1) mui.plusReady(function(){ var i = plus.webview.getWebviewById( txffc ); console.log(i); }); ...
for example, using nuxt.js to create a ssr project, each time a click event is triggered, what is the reason for is not a function? nuxtrempxrempxpx ...