use python+selenium to do automated testing, switch windows using a method current_window_handle, but this method calls with parentheses but reported an error, at first thought that this is a variable, but checked the source code found that this is a me...
in the process of learning selenium, I learned many methods and codes for locating elements. but when trying to write a nike official website, the dynamic id cannot be located, and other elements are used to locate it, but the login button still canno...
set through WebDriverWait to proceed directly to the next step as soon as the desired element appears, but the element is loaded without click operation, and has been waiting for the web page to load, waiting for the web page to load before click. And I...
the middle tier I started with node (koa) has a lot of timeouts from the very beginning. I wrote the timeout control myself. At first, I wrote the timeout, then the request grew, the timeout also increased, and finally I reached several hours, and then I...
initiate a get request through axios to access the local html file http: localhost:8888 public index.html, and the browser accesses normally. It feels that it may have something to do with the local http proxy privoxy, but configuring the proxy of axi...
you can get an instance of a class through dependency injection in Yii2 in this way $test = Yii::$container->get( common service test ); $test->aa(); clicking aa () will not jump to the corresponding function, and typin...
The offer values of 1 and vue are set as follows: offer: { isshow:false, sum_total_price:0, sum_discount:0, sum_price:0, children:[] } The axios submission code under 2 and vue...
<el-form-item v-for="(domain, index) in" :label=" + index" :key="domain.key" :prop=" domains. + index + .value " :rules="{ required: true, mes...