for example, I have such a simple code block, the main function is to receive http requests through the flask application, then judge the validity, and then send the combed data to other modules using tcp. So should the class that sends tcp requests inhe...
as the title recently, I am designing a deployment platform for web services. I wonder what everyone is doing. it feels that big companies have developed a set of web interfaces by themselves, so the bottom layer is not very clear. is generally de...
the compressed package downloaded from the official website of jqWidgets on Aug. 22,2018. After decompression, run setup.bat (Angular6 for my front end) under D:JavaAngularUIjqWidgetsjqwidgets-ver6.0.6demosangular until the last error: ERROR in Ent...
now I would like to do a function is to upload video to Aliyun and transcode can be previewed, do you have a package and demo in this respect? Thank you ...
<view wx:for= {{name_tel}} > <label for= {{item.id}} style="background-image:url({{item.imgUrl}})">< label> <input id= {{item.id}} type= text placeholder= {{item.placeholder}} >< input> <...
in the slow log, a table is queried according to the index and 0 items of data are returned. Millis shows that it takes more than 200ms, but the executionTimeMillisEstimate of each execution phase is 0. imitates this query record to query in shell, and...