there is a thread class (extends Thread) with the following code in the run method while(true) { Socket socket = null; GZIPInputStream gzis = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { socket = new Socket(IP, PORT); gzis ...
new WebSocket in main.js and then inject it into store action _this.$socket.onopen _this.$socket.onopen console.log( open1 )console.log( open ) to solve puzzles ...
I am in the environment of webpack+vue-cli introduce and plug-ins into main.js as follows: : ...
if it is not maintained, how to push the message and update the information but if it is maintained, it will take too much socket ...
linux cPP uses socket to simulate receiving http requests, and socket blocking does not set a timeout. When a get request for the same http is initiated with Firefox,chrome,IE under Windows or Linux, it only takes about 100 microseconds for recv to compl...
client initiates tcp connection con1:Aip: Aport- > Bip:Bport, does not have a problem, do not close the connection, initiate tcp connection con2:Aip:Aport- > Cip:Bport, will address already in use, according to the quad, the two connections are not the ...
What does the http stand for in http: ? what is the difference between the following two URLs? A. http: sample b. http: sam. What is the address that uses to identify computers and serv...
there is a server written by netty, and many CPP clients connect to the server. There is no communication between the client and the client. But there is also a control panel written by php, where you need to send instructions to the client of CPP. wh...
I used swoole to build a server php socket as a client. When the client connects to the server, the server has a unique number $fd,. Can you know how much this $fd is in the client? ...
usually the server establishes multiple connections with the client, and the server accepts multiple connection requests. Can a node create multiple socket to connect to multiple nodes? ...
-sharpinclude<stdio.h> -sharpinclude<string.h> -sharpinclude<winsock2.h> char buff[2001]; int main() { WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData); int sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); socket ...
Why did you report an error? Solve. Thank you console.log(this.$socket) ...
Today, it suddenly occurred to me that in the past, each process only called socket, once to get a scokfd, and then divided into client server,. Is it feasible for the same process to call multiple socket, one of which is used as a listening socket, and ...
if the client uses socket_read, will the client disconnect from the server because the server does not send messages for a long time? what should I do if there is a disconnection? (server-side code cannot be modified at this time) while (1){ $resp...
now the project wants to monitor the identification result of a software and use socket to communicate with the software, but it is found that the result cannot be received and read circularly all the time. Do you have any good solutions? $socket =...
customer server connection server shows that the connection is successful, but one of the functions reports an error socket_read (): unable to read from socket [10060] the code is as follows <?php header( Content-Type: text html; charset=gb2312 )...
this is the client of the instance from socket import * HOST= localhost PORT=10001 BUFFER=1024 ADDRESS=(HOST,PORT) clientSocet=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) clientSocet.connect(ADDRESS) while True: data=input( > ) if not data: b...
The code is as follows. The server will return data several times within 3 seconds. I want the following loop to be terminated after more than 3 seconds. What should I do? while ($mes = socket_read($socket, 1024)) { xxxxx } ...
I wrote a test socket link test server-side php script. after being executed in linux, the content returned by the server can be returned. But later, it is judged that the code that exits in more than 3 seconds will not be executed, and the php script ...
vue-cli installation sockjs-client 1.0.0 introduces error related codes import SockJS from sockjs-client ; introduction module "dependencies": { "fastclick": "^1.0.6", "fs": "0.0.1-security&q...
Why does my blog appear without style on the first page? for example, this article on the complexity of data structures and algorithms will always be in the fourth position on the first page ...
problem description remote server system: CentOS 7.264-bit npm i puppeteer installation failed to run, solve. ...
I have found the method, but I don t know how to use it. The code is as follows: % border-1px { display: block; position:absolute; left: 0; width: 100%; content: ; } .border-1px { position: relative; &::after{ @extend %border-1px; bot...
an activity diagram, cut into 3 pieces, and then use the rem layout, < div class= "bg1 " > < div > < div class= "bg2 " > < div > < div class= "bg3 " > < div > .bg1 { background:url() height: 3rem;background-size: cover; } then a split lin...
I crawled a website, the data is to send an asynchronous request load belt to the server, I imitated headers, parameters are not wrong, using requests can get a normal response, when scrapy is not good def parse_histical_data(self, response): ...