the main problem code snippet is as follows: pragma solidity ^0.4.22; contract Auction { address highestBidder; function bid() public payable{ require(msg.value < 0.0001 ether,"0.0001 ether"); if(hi...
https: 20170808. how can I output the following format: Wang Junkai Wang Yuan Yi Qianxi Jolin Tsai Gillian sa var data = [ { singer: [ {name: ,age: 18}, {name: ,age: 20}, {name: ,age: 18}]}, {...
here is the HTML code: <form action=" Applet Operator admin.php" method="post" name="addAdmin"> <fieldset> <legend>< legend> <label for="name">:<input type="t...
PC version menu is fine, mobile sidebar menu cannot be displayed. Could you tell me how to solve it? Click to view demo attach source code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text html; charset=...
import SockJS from sockjs-client ; import Stomp from stompjs ; connection() { this.socket = new SockJS( http: endpoint ); this.stompClient = Stomp.over(this.socket); ...
website projects generally have background management interface operations, which generate files in the web directory, which cannot be automatically svn commet at this time. After I change the code locally, commet, will automatically refresh the web dire...