I just used solr, and now I want to store the data of multiple tables in solr for easy query. so am I stored in multiple instances? my understanding is that an instance will have a managed-schema, which is configured to store fields. where is the ...
as shown in the picture, enter that I am Chinese, and as a result, the words "I " and "yes " are gone. As a result, the data could not be queried when typing "I ". saw that the program did not set the stop word. ...
the Solr highlight range is incorrect, the range is expanded, and irrelevant content is highlighted. query parameters "params":{ "q":"licai_cpms:", "hl":"true", "hl.simple.post&...
the Solr highlight range is incorrect, the range is expanded, and irrelevant content is highlighted. query parameters "params":{ "q":"licai_cpms:", "hl":"true", "hl.simple.post&...
solrj creates an index of about 129776 pieces of data at a time, created by multiple threads, with a maximum of 1w pieces of data processed by each thread. The core code for each thread is as follows. but after the actual creation of the index, there ...
Unknown fieldType cndate specified on field birth. appears whenever I use type= "cndate " when I comment on this line of code, the program can run. Not only "cndate ", but also "int " and "text_ik " will report the same mistake. related code...
I m going to use solr to write a function to query goods, goods + store information : listlist(docs:[{a: ,b:[{}...]},{a: ,b:[{}...]}]) ...
when using solr to retrieve, I encountered this problem. When I use the index: network, the search results are as follows index:** Why is this? ...
,, solr , ...
for example, when I transfer an api successfully, I have two callbacks. When the logic fails, there are also two callbacks. At this time, how to use promise to solve the callback? ...
the uploaded tag reads like this. <el-upload class="upload-demo" ref="uploadNewFile" :action="actionUrl" :file-list="fileList" :auto-upload="false" :on-change="newFileCha...
if the child component is used twice on the same page, how does the child component communicate with the parent component? ...
beginners try to run a GitHub project ( https: github.com david-gpu .) find the dataset Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset ( http: mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk p.). Among them, there are 200000 pieces of data from Align&Cropped Images. but ev...
can anyone tell me about it? ...