I use IntelliJ IDEA locally for spark development and report an error when submitting it to the cluster to run. After searching, all the answers point to insufficient CPU memory resources, but I have set up enough CPU memory resources, and the state o...
Dataset<Row> df = spark.read().format("csv").load("C: develop intellij-workspace SparkSqlDemos resources down.csv"); df.createOrReplaceTempView("down"); Dataset<Row> dfSQL = spark.sql("SELECT ...
are there any open source middleware products that provide traffic marking and traffic distribution? that is, when a http request comes, you can route the request to the specified machine or environment according to the information of various dimension...
refer to the link description to run the tutorial code in the web notebook provided by the zeppelin container. Import local file: val bankText = sc.textFile("D: Projects Zeppelin bank bank-full.csv") case class Bank(age:Integer, job:Stri...
started spark,hdfs,yarn successfully at first, but after a long time, it was found that the spark task could not be submitted normally, and there was always an error similar to the following. "INFO Client: Retrying connect to server: Already tr...
ask Spark DataFrame to edit only one column (intercept a paragraph) and return a new DataFrame ...
suppose there are ten partitions in a RDD. When you groupby this RDD, you get a new RDD,. Is the data of the same field in the same partition? my test results show that data from the same grouping field is divided into the same partition, and data fro...
1Query spark0-2 the three hosts are zookeeper clusters 2 spark0-4 five hosts are spark clusters 3 spark0-1 two hosts achieve master high availability. run start-all.sh on spark0 to start the spark cluster. At this point, spark will be launched nat...
use spark mllib linear regression to do traffic forecast printing training, weight and other coefficients are all NaN data format: 520221 | 0009 | 0009 | 292 | 000541875150 | 2018 | 04 | 18 | 11 | 3 | 137 520626 | 0038 | 0038 | 520626 | 2030300010...
val lines: Dataset[String] = session.read.textFile("") val words: Dataset[String] = lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")) linesdataSetflatMapdataSetIDEAflatMap: def flatMap[U : Encoder](func: T => Traversabl...
how to understand the content of the green part? Why does it feel so awkward? the feeling in the book is also very vague. ...
what is the process of running start-all to start a spark cluster? ...
problem description git remote submission requires a password the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried after the git server is deployed, the down code requires a password, so it is key-free. The down code still ...
the following is part of the code in a child component. When assigning a value to amount in the parent component, why the alert pop-up order is created = > init: 1 = > 1 = > init: 1 = > 2 = > init: 2 = > init: 2 data () { return { cu...
canvas drawCircle() { var ctx = wx.createCanvasContext( canvasArcCir ) var width = this.animation.canvasWidth 2; function backgroundCircle() { ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineWidth(8) ctx...
1.vue axios cross-domain request, the backend has been configured to allow cross-domain, and the agent also reported an error when accessing the cross-domain 2. Is the proxy access address configured or localhost < hr > axios.defaults.headers.common ...
problem description when the project was running, the following error occurred, that is, the cnpm run dev Times was wrong ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 17:3...