The Service of K8s can achieve load balancing and can detect the status of each pod. Is it possible not to apply Eureka-server? ...
problem description Interface management of internal calls in Spring Cloud. Now you need the version to be forward compatible, so you can only keep the old version of the service for each release. the environmental background of the problems and wha...
In springcloud micro-service, the gateway needs to carry two parameters, one is accessToken and the other is version version number, but the backend service does not need these two parameters. for example, the back-end service is originally like this ...
intends to make the back-end microservice, so the technology stack uses spring cloud. The first idea is to deploy eureka to K8s and communicate with each other through K8s service. But the authors of some documents suggest marking pod to let pod communic... server.port=8090 Service ...
recently, I learned from "Spring Cloud and Docker Micro Services Architecture practice " (2nd edition) that when using Turbine to aggregate monitoring data, when creating a maven project in IDEA where ArtifactId is microsercice-hystrix-turbine, the pro...
is currently working on the microservice architecture. Gateway registers and discovers with node-proxy. service service may have node and spring boot. database mysql, cache redis. at present, it is mainly stuck in the communication between service...
how netty4.x acquires body: get ByteBuf through content () method and then readBytes to get byte [], ByteBuf byteBuf = reqMsg.content(); int length = byteBuf.readableBytes(); byte[] array = new byte[length]; ...
is there a big god to help me? Oh, it s been two days. Going crazy I could have done remote invocation with restTemplate before, but after configuring feign, the service couldn t get up. my pom file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0&quo...
automatically create projects with idea pom file <modelVersion>4.0.0< modelVersion> <groupId>com.example< groupId> <artifactId>demo< artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT< version> <packaging>jar&...
problem description recently, I have been looking at things related to automated operation and maintenance devops, and some problems are not quite clear for the time being. Hope God to inform premise: springcloud deployment, there are probably regist...
Today, I heard others say that when designing a micro-service architecture, all the kubernetes that can be implemented by, spring cloud can be realized. I don t know how to understand spring cloud, as I understand it, should be an one-stop way to bui...
this service sets up context-path, to look fine from admin-ui, but seeing admin calling actuator health endpoints crazily on zipkin-ui, does any god know why? Rivers and lakes come to the rescue. ...
Q: should I open an account in circuit breaker mode for different levels of service? 1. Underlying core services 2. Non-core services in some scenarios (such as those that have nothing to do with core business and have little impact) 3. Edge outermos...
problem description add the dependency packet red line (nuKnwon) in the dependency, Maven projects Dependencies to the pom.xml file the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried intellij idea 2018.2.6 Maven 3.6.0 remove t...
problem description spring boot Integration Java appears could not be established. when packaged How can Broker may not be available skip this step related codes configure as follows spring: kafka: bootstrap-servers: consu...
problem description springcloud project is deployed on Aliyun, and the access interface zuul forwards errors the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried deploy to Aliyun centos7 using docker, and the eureka service...
I wrote a custom gatewayfilter to get the returned response content in filter after the request is completed to see if the request is successful. But at present, only ServerHttpResponse postResponse = exchange.getResponse (); can be obtained, but the da...
package com.example.demoeurekaserver; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import; @EnableEurekaServer...
problem description when actually accessing API, it is the way of POST; the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) @Req...
running in the project can output log files jarjar ...
such as the question, please answer, thank you! ...
there is such a requirement, if there is a div element, when he clicks on it, he will trigger his click event and then hide . if he clicks somewhere else, he should also hide needs to be implemented in vue. Do you have any good ideas? ...
first attach the BlockingQueue source code take () code: public class ArrayBlockingQueue<E> implements BlockingQueue<E> { final ReentrantLock lock; lock public ArrayBlockingQueue<E>(){ ... } public E ...
I wrote a static web page and found that there is an unclear line spacing between ul and li my css code is as follows .article ul{ margin: 17px; padding: 5px; line-height: 3px; } .article ol{ margin: 17px; padding: 5px; line-h...