because using JavaScript to call iFLYTEK speech recognition Web API, iFLYTEK (and others) only supports audio with a 16K sampling rate of (sampleRate). However, HTML5 s Web Audio has not found a way to convert the sampling rate. searched several othe...
for the first time, using the FFmpeg framework, I compiled the source code on deepin and got the include and so files. Then copy to win10 , and create the project as shown in figure then I added the following code to CMarkLists.txt : -sharp For ...
The document says that wx.switchTab jumps to the tabBar page and closes all other non-tabBar pages. I now have two tabbar pages (home,center). I print console.log (getCurrentPages ()) in the onShow of center. When I click from home to jump to center, I p...
We use vue + webpack multi-page scaffolding, together with html5 plus and then use hbuilder packaging to develop app, business, we need to use Wechat app to pay, but the demo given by official documents are all developed in native language, and sdk, does...
calculate the gap value by calculating properties and methods. If it is negative, the font is red, and the positive number is green . <div class="maintain_mon"> <p class="tit">FYC <ul v-for="item in numbs&...
The row of asterisks will print out that the data that should be return in the undefined, search function has the data I need, and there is no data on the page. Where is the problem? the data format of the page request is async function search(sear...