when I was testing with SpringBootTest, I found that the program would be started, causing the console test results to be flooded by the program output, and it would take time and resources to start the program. Is there any way to do SpringBootTest tes...
exception org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.util.BaseBlockCipher$InvalidKeyOrParametersException: Key length not 128 192 256 bits. at org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.util.BaseBlockCipher.engineInit(Unknown Source) at javax.c...
incomplete log output incomplete under window and linux related codes Log output: 2019-01-29 01:16:42.214 [restartedMain] WARN com.netflix.config.sources.URLConfigurationSource - No URLs will be polled as dynamic configuration sources. 2019-01-2...
The project uses springboot1.3.7 and the default jackson-databind version: 2.8.5, but now we have a dependency package that needs to use jackson-databind2.9.6, otherwise an error will be reported: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.data...
problem description when post does not pass any data, the backend will throw a HttpMessageNotWritableException exception. handles the exception of HttpMessageNotWritableException in the global exception handler. Normally, the result object PlatforRes...
I configured the log in log4j2.yml. where the path to the log is as follows: Configuration: Properties: Property: - name: log.path value: log fileName: ${log.path} platform ${project.name}_platform.log when I run locally, logs are...
I implemented a login interface in spring boot and wrote a handleException method. At the breakpoint, I found that I only entered the handleException, not the login method. is it caused by the cause? How should I solve this problem? the following ...
@Entity @Getter @Setter @ToString @Table(name = "order") public class Order { @Id private Long id; @Column(name = "account_id") private Long accountId; @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = &q...
have you encountered any similar problems? springboot is packaged into jar package, @ Configuration annotated class is not executed, run and debug are fine under idea idea runs as jar ...
problem description spring project, prompting error org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException when referencing service: suspect that the problem is that service is not registered in spring. If you change the configuration of pa...
using springboot to integrate security access to api interfaces appears { "timestamp " : "2019-01-03T03:47:55.465+0000 " , "status " : 403, "error " : "Forbidden " , "message " : "Forbidden " , "path " : " api v1 system role " } ...
spring boot is packaged into jar to start, is there any way to modify the page template to update immediately, do not restart, do not do any other operation? if I PHP modified the template, it will take effect immediately. ...
my static resource css style.css is accessed normally. when I create a controller path is @ResponseBody @GetMapping(" css style.css") public String style() { return "fuck you"; } The result executes the path of t...
such as the question, public class HandlerExecutionChain { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(HandlerExecutionChain.class); private final Object handler; private HandlerInterceptor[] interceptors; private List<Ha...
after adding spring-boot-starter-data-jpa to your springboot project, when you unit test your repository with junit. There will be a lot of when starting the container through junit test case. The error of [Xlint:cantFindType] [AppClassLoader@xxxx] e...
Using @ value to automatically inject attribute values in spring boot simplifies a lot of operations, but not when injecting Map types. can be implemented using @ ConfigurationProperties, but with a little more complexity. Setting the Map value to a j...
before using Spring, the interface has multiple implementation classes and uses xml to configure bean, so it is convenient to switch . But it seems that SpringBoot recommends creating a new bunch of @ Configuration classes. What are the advantages of con...
the front and rear ends are separated, the front end uses vue, and the back end uses springboot project to start the port is inconsistent. allows cross-domain configuration in the springboot project, but it does not work @ Configuration public class...
has not been solved yet. I found a similar problem on https: stackoverflow.com que... on stackoverflow. I tried it myself and found that it could not filter the subresult set, but only parent. The filtered parent brought out all the sub-objects, . @En...
as shown in the title, the stupidest way is to write a modification statement first, and then write a query statement, but it is a waste of resources to connect to the database frequently based on Mybatis, can @ Update be implemented, and the return v...
use the redis, of the swoole protocol and then implement the connection pool by yourself (just a yii2-swoole written by a big god), which is stored in SplQueue, but I found that after the connection is inside, when it is idle for a long time, these conne...
my requirement is that I use workerman to make long links between the front and back ends, and then once a table in mysql has new data, it will send the new data to the front end, and the data sent is an array. How should I implement it? If my descriptio...
is like this, the company needs to take a fake page html to show it, which has the query function of the table, how should I write the query, as shown below. $(function(){ var dataTable = [ { batteryCode : S16030116 , battreyV : 1...
for example, filter a model models.objects.get(***field_name***=conditions) my question is, can field_name be the result of a variable? For example, field_list = { field_name : name} models.objects.get(field_list[ field_name ]=conditions) field_...
when I use fullpage, there is a certain phenomenon, that is, when the mouse moves in the current page, it will turn the page. Who has encountered this phenomenon, such as and solved. Not a compatibility problem, different computers with the same browser,...