when using MongoRepository, I found that I want to update a field, but MongoRepository only provides the save method, but the save method requires a primary key. I directly use the default _ id as the primary key, and use the save method to insert a piec...
SpringBoot integrates Shiro to realize JWT refresh. In which class should refresh token be implemented and how to return a new token (how to get a new token in Controller) to the user when the request is returned? currently my code is like this: do JW...
maven can be seen in the reference list < H1 > abnormal print < H1 > Failed to instantiate SLF4J LoggerFactory Reported exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ch qos logback core joran spi JoranException at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.bind(Logger...
something like this: picStr = "<div>" + " <a href= front images img_1.jpg th:href= @{ front images img_1.jpg} >< a>" + "< div>""; but it seems that th doesn t work he...
problem description when I first came into contact with SpringBoot developer, the abnormal feeling reported when using the forwarding view of the controller is a path problem, but I don t know how to change the page to display Whitelabel Error Page ...
problem description learn the deployment of springboot. Nginx+ssl, is built on the server to handle all https requests and forward the requests to several springboot services, so that springboot itself does not have to deal with ssl-related. This part...
copy and paste the asserts folder containing three folders of css, img, js directly into static, and there are two kinds of paths. White screenshot, which conforms to the general logical understanding, that is, static asserts ., but in the black IDE sc...
< H2 > how to use jackson to deserialize nested json fields to objects < H2 > { "id":1, "name":"Bitcoin", "quote":{ "USD":{ "price":9283.92, "market_cap":158055024432 } } } deserial...
configure swagger Why many blogs can access web pages directly by configuring swagger configuration, and why do I need to configure this to access springboot version using the latest version 2.0.6 and 2.9.2 @Configuration public class SpringMvcConfig ...
start a thread to consume the queue through @ PostConstruct. I lost the message to the queue somewhere else, so why doesn t while (true) consume it? @PostConstruct public void processOrder() { ExecutorService e = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); ...
such as the title. failed to import org.webjars:jquery:3.3.1 with the following code (current version number red, Maven Project internal standard red): Source code: <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars< groupId> ...
the front-end vue calls the java API through axios, using springboot+jwt, to request with post. When there is a token, request in the headers, it will become options, and report 401. I looked for it on the Internet and said that it was a pre-check reque...
1. The current table structure partition is . the main table is an and contains the necessary underlying data. from the table: B, c, d, e, etc. related tables: ab, ac, ad, ae, etc. now the data sent from the front end is a string of json string...
I now have a requirement that applications containing multiple Spring Boot module are merged and packaged into a single war, each module is a separate business and has its own context path. the production environment of customers is their own Paas pla...
running in the project can output log files jarjar ...
input parameter format is JSON instead of ordinary string, such as: { "REQUEST": { "page": "1", "rows":"20" } } the JSON input parameter can be parsed th...
this is a business logic class that uses the properties in the application.yml file (see figure queueNum) application.yml I expect the springboot application to output "maxCost = 5 " when it runs, but actually output "maxCost = 0 ". I think this ma...
in the case of multiple implementation classes for an interface, the Qualifier annotation is not specified. Which implementation class method will be called? ...
recently, when I was learning to do a springboot project, I encountered two headaches: when changes the value of context-path configuration The loading path of css, js, image and other files will also be changed, some with the value of context-pa...
as in the title, no dependency was found when using @ RequestMapping. older versions introduced the web package with " spring-boot-starter-web < artifactId > ", and also introduced spring-boot-starter-data-jpa < artifactId >, which is not easy t...