guys, recently, I have encountered a need to play a video in flv format on my computer. It is said on the Internet that it can be implemented with object or embed tags, so Baidu has such a code . <object class id="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4...
before embed loads the swf file, the embed panel is black, that is, nothing is displayed, and the swf file is not displayed until the swf file is loaded. In the process of loading swf, I hope to give the user a prompt "loading " on the panel to achieve ...
the old version of the website 10 years ago needs to be renovated. There is an animation of an old file SWF. I want to put it on HTML5. How to achieve it? ...
this page mainly gets the parameter after the question mark in the URL of this page, and then uses this parameter to modify the Object tag of flash. The specific action is as follows: var objectHtml = "<object ...>...<param id= fla_var1...
the figure above shows the error report after running main.go in debugger mode and then requesting it if you directly use go run or bee run without using debugger, you can find the corresponding file normally. is there anything else you need to s...
when the framework uses antd and uses Input components, I need to display multiple languages in the placeholder property the code is as follows: <Search placeholder={<FormattedMessage id="S_T" >} enterButton="Search&qu...
config.module.rules[2].oneOf.unshift( { test: .css$ , include: node_modules[ ]antd-mobile , use: [ require.resolve( style-loader ), { loader: require...
all components can use the status Manager (mobx) to update the status to switch between the Chinese and English versions, but the bottom navigation react-navigation cannot be updated? May I ask which god knows how to solve it? ...
declares an array, gets the data and prints it. Then sort and print again. The first print in debug is not consistent with the last result. I don t understand how it works. < body > <button id="mybtn">getData< button> <table...