how do I configure reading for ios pod private library plist files? ...
NSDateComponents *components = [NSCalendar.currentCalendar components:NSUIntegerMax fromDate:self]; what is the reasonableness of components:NSUIntegerMax s writing like this? ...
this is my code: let num3 = num1.text.toInt()! var num4 = Int(num2.text!) let sum = num3 + num4 this error appears on the first line: "Value of type String? " The method in the first line is used in the has no member toInt ...
problem description The project was originally written by OC, but now the layout framework you want to use before joining Swift, is whether you need to import Swift s layout framework SnapKit? after Masonry, uses Swift. Or uniformly use Masonry? ...
I use storyboard to develop, but I want to use swift code to control some attributes such as button and label. What should I do, Daniel? ...
class MainViewController: UIViewController { public var seletedIndex: Int = 0 lazy var tableView: UITableView = { let table = UITableView() table.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "Cell") ret...
problem description App uses TabbarController- > NavigationController- > ViewController architecture. You want the overall interface to default to vertical screen, and then some specific interfaces can support horizontal and vertical screen switching ...
rechargeBtn.rx.tap.flatMapLatest({ [weak self] _ in switch (self!.payTableDataSrouce[self!.seletedIndex].payMethod) { case .wx: print("wx") case .ali: } re...
problem description after textView append an attributeString with the code, continue to edit the keyboard, the style cannot be restored related codes The code for button is as follows: let attributeText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedSt...
problem description because our company s App wants to be an overseas market, it starts with internationalizing the language, setting the English or Chinese mode according to the user s choice. However, overseas and domestic requirements are differe...
SWIFT is not recommended to operate with reflection, but how do I deal with a list of string? when I click on a cell in the list, I get the corresponding class through this string and add the UIVIEW of the corresponding class? ...
I am an individual developer, iOS project launched-Technical support URL, does not have its own website, how to fill in? ...
A monitor program written in Golang, that is, running on the terminal to continuously output logs. now you need to develop an application on Mac, the function is very simple, a button, a textarea, click button is to start the compiled executable, and t...
New swift project with reference to third-party library, swift language is set to 4.0, Podfile is also set to 4.0, and compilation is still reported to be incompatible with swift4.2 : ...
create a public library, but keep reporting errors. Address: https: shang12191. ...
problem description when you do IM live chat, when you receive a message, you will display a small red corner sign on the icon of App, and there are several unread messages. Then the chat list shows the number of unread messages for a specific person,...
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSArray * imageList = @[@"Googleplus",@"Twitter",]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 100, 100)]; imageView.backgroundColor = ...
Code in ViewController: class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. let anyobjectype : AnyObject.Type = (NSClassFromS...
there is only one button at the bottom of the STORYBOARD, which is done in viewcontroller. I want to create another class now. There is a view, view in the class and there are multiple label. in it. I want to implement: in the run, if you click this but...
WWDC2018 Session225 mentions inheritance UICollectionViewLayout customizes a MosaicLayout class, and MosaicLayout class in ...
the server automatically pushes messages and modifies tables in Mysql according to the number of check-in records (redis) > specified by a user in the database. Field. Value windows2012 laravel5.5 php7.1+ environment ask for a solution the server ...
recently encountered a problem, go write websocket server how to achieve file upload function? Baidu Google did not find the answer they wanted. Is there any example of a third party or that can run successfully? tried to search for some answers, but ...
1. Background: mysql transaction isolation level for READ_COMMITTED; data saving using native hibernate; queries using JdpcTempLate; 2. Main question: hibernateJDBCNot_suppport;; 3. Code: 3.1.hibernate: 3.2.JDBC 3.3Jdbcjdbc reasons for asking ...
use vue to build a background management system, each page is very similar, are some tables and forms, want to share a page template, according to the different routes to dynamically load the data on the template page, the data is written in the local JS...
<template> <div id="app"> <top-view > <router-view > <footer-view > < div> < template> <script> import top from @ view Top import footer from @ view Footer export default...